I don't do anything on Easter, but one good part is all the chocolate eggs that we buy.
mmm... chocolate.
I'm actually a little bit nauseous right now because of all the chocolate and coffee I had today, but I'll live.
Went shopping again today with mom and bought a pair of pants and a pair of capris from Aeropostale. WOOT for sales!
This post will be all over the place if I just talk about what’s on my mind in paragraphs, so I’ll list them. Lazy me, I know.
1. School starts tomorrow - *clings to bedpost* NOO! Don’t make me go! I had such a good week just staying home and doing, well, NOTHING. I never realized how amazing sleep and relaxation was until this March break surprisingly, mainly because I used to be a dork and do all my homework on the very first day of the break. This leads to another problem however - I still need to do all my homework. Aye aye aye, there’s no way I’ll be done for tomorrow. *Prepares self for an all-nighter*
2. Bought the cutest dress ever - Well, that basically summed it up. The dress is from Costa Blanca, and it actually fits me!
3. Hilary vs. Obama - Who will win? The suspense is killing me. Personally, I think Hilary will, solely due to the fact that she has had more experience. But who knows? Also, I was thinking (shocking) about this today: Are all people named Hilary hilarious ?
4. Snark - is the most amazing thing ever. Interacting and posting on Snark is so much fun, and lately it’s all I’ve doing on the internet. I am officially addicted.
Didn’t I tell you this was going to be a really random post? I hear my parents calling me to make dinner, so off I go! *skips down the yellow brick road*
Yesterday, I went shopping for a birthday present and a dress for a friend/acquaintance. Though me, Marlies, and Shiying didn't get much done, it was still pretty amusing. I have drawn this graph to demonstrate how much time we actually spent present hunting:

As you can see, the more I like the person, the longer I will spend looking for a gift because, obviously, humans just have a tendency to please those around them. But If I don't like the person at all, I wouldn't have gotten invited to their party, and therefore, no time would be spent on present-hunting. That's good, since I wouldn't know what to get them anyway, maybe a stink bomb if I really didn't like them.
In the end, we got her L from Lolita Lempicka. The bottle is gorgeous and adorable!
Unfortunately, none of us bought dresses. I tried lots of them on, but I'm so indecisive! I think it's mainly because I didn't know what style I wanted. Any suggestions?
Also, the mall we went to is pretty sketchy, we saw two teenage boys speed walking - almost on the verge of running - out of a store. Hm... what did they have behind their backs?
To tell you the truth, shopping with two friends that don't know each other that well is kind of awkward. It's like I have to make all the decision, and I HATE making decisions.

This was the view from my window yesterday, we got 15 cm of snow by the afternoon, and then another 15 in the evening. But, our family ran into a problem, forcing us to make our way to the grocery store. Yes, we had run out of food. I think yesterday’s snowstorm was probably the worst yet this winter, at one point, you couldn’t even see the car in front of you while driving at 30 km/hour.
Mother Nature is a beast, a huge, relentless animal that’s hellbent on making my life miserable. We’ve already had like, 4 snowstorms this season, please stop this madness! I don’t think I’ve ever shoveled this much precipitation my entire life.
But thank goodness the weather’s going to be all nice the following week, ’cause I’ve got plans, and I intend to carry out those plans. What movies do you suggest?
We finally came home after 3 hours in the snow, with the food of course, and decided to always stock up on veggies in the winter.
The students in the class are all sitting there at their desks staring at the clock, as if in a trance. The second hand moves clockwise, tick, tick, tick. Their eyes concentrate on that thin little needle that’s traveling round and round. With each passing minute, the anxious students rise a little out of their seats, anticipating the ringing of the bell that signifies the beginning of spring break; the beginning of a week of freedom, and, of course, no homework. *BRINGGGG!*
I’m at home now, enjoying my first hour of complete freedom. Relaxation. Finally. I was going to go on a big rant on freedom, but then decided not to. I’m going to be lazy today and do nothing!
Not much happened since I last posted other than a few tests, but those aren’t a big deal. I know for sure that I bombed my chemistry test, but I’m glad it’s over. :) Also, frequent blogging will be another exciting part of spring break, hooray!
And what great timing: after my last post about the insignificance of sweet sixteens, I got invited to one. It's Michelle's sweet sixteen, and it's at a fancy club called Kai Lounge. She's hiring limos and going full out, so I'm basically guilted into going.