Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hello New Decade

This is the last post of 2009, so it will be extra sappy and nostalgic.

Oh man, it feels like it was the beginning of 2009 just yesterday. So many wonderful things happened this year, like Model United Nations, meeting Dietrich, getting my first boyfriend, visiting New York City with my fellow band dorks.

Oh, and I also turned 17!

Despite my own happiness, I am constantly reminded that not everyone is as lucky as I am to have such a great life. So, what am I going to do about this? To be honest, probably nothing at the moment. Like most others, I'll probably just go on with my life, donate some food and clothing once in a while, nothing monumental. Hopefully, one day when I'm older, I'll be able to give back to the world from which I have taken so much.

For now, I'll just concentrate on making myself a better person. You probably don't recall this (hell, even I forgot), but I had two resolutions for 2009: smile more, and be less shy. I'm proud to say that I have done my best to accomplish those two goals, and yes, I have smiled more and have been more outgoing. I don't think I've been asked "What's wrong" as often, and I have made a conscientious effort to get to know people better.

The goals I had for 2009 can never be fully achieved in my case; I feel that I will always have the opportunity to smile more, and be more social. Therefore, they will remain long term goals. My goals for 2010 are more short term, and they are:

1. Go to bed earlier, preferably before 11:30pm every night.

2. Get into a good university by working hard for a high average.

With that, I wish everyone the best of luck in the upcoming year! Wherever you are tonight, remember that there are 6.7 billion others that are celebrating the same event. Happy new year everyone :)


Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day of Boxes

Not going shopping this Boxing day since my parents took our relatives from China to downtown Toronto. Ah well... so what did I do?

Naturally... I took out the camera and started taking pictures of myself with my new Armani glasses.

I love them, can't you tell? :P

How do you normally spend your Boxing day?


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

T'was the night before Christmas
and - Bah, I hate poetry.
Also, I'd like to mention
That we don't have a Christmas tree.

Screw political correctness, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Simplicity Wins

Filed Under:

The first time I tried making a cheesecake, it was a disaster because

a. I was a noob
b. I listened to my mother, who told me to put in an extra egg which made the batter even runnier.

In the end that cheesecake didn't hold up and basically tumbled everywhere.

However, this time, Regina, the baking failure succeeded! *APPLAUSE* I knelt beside the oven for about an hour to make sure that a disaster wouldn't occur.  I also left out the blueberry topping because I was too lazy to make it.  But the end result was much better than what I had hoped for! 

I got the recipe from here, it's pretty easy to make!

Feel free to give me any baking suggestions, I'm incredibly challenged at baking so all advice is welcomed!


Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Day of School!

... until I have to go back in January, that is.
Let's see, what are my plans for the Christmas break?

  • Biology - endangered species project
  • Economics - prepare for debate! Socialism!
  • English - summative task, again, I have to make a presentation
  • Study study study
  • Take the occasional break
  • Watch cheesy Christmas movies with friends and boyfriend. :)

So, yes, I'll have loads of fun!

What are you plans for Chris- sorry, winter festivities? :)


Friday, December 11, 2009


Twitter accounts are extremely common nowadays; virtually everyone has one. I, however, have not yet jumped on the bandwagon. Why?

1. I don't want to let people know what I'm doing every second of the day

2. I don't want to know what other people are doing every second of the day

3. I don't want people "following" me. *looks around suspiciously*

But Regina, you can set your profile to "private"

Yes, but I'm paranoid, okay? I also don't want to know what my ~fav celebrities~ are doing, or what X, Y, or Z ate that morning. All this stuff can be done on things like forums, and by using status updates on a social network.

But Regina, Twitter IS the new Facebook!

I don't like Facebook either. But I have it. Yes, it's hypocritical, but it's the only way I can contact some people. See, I feel it's okay to have a Twitter account if all your friends have it and it's the ONLY way to contact them. However, if all your friends have Myspace, MSN, Email, Facebook... do you REALLY need to converse with them on multiple networks at the same time?

Okay, you can all yell at me for disliking Twitter now.

Do you have Twitter? If so, what do you use it for?


Monday, November 30, 2009

First Signs of Christmas?

There are only 25 days until Christmas! I absolutely love this holiday, but this year it seems that people aren't as excited about it. Stores in Canada have been advertising for this holiday since the beginning of November, but I haven't really heard many people talking about it... yet.

So I decided to make a list of all the things I love about Christmas, since my group isn't doing any work for economics right now anyways... I'm sure they won't mind if I slack off, after all, they're on Omegle.

  • The store decorations and SPARKLES! - I love it when malls have huge pretty christmas trees that are 4 stories tall!
  • Cookies, nomz, baked goods, YUM! - mmm... nomnomnom.  People's baking skills improve at this time of year, that or I just get hungrier. 
  • Advent calendars - I usually eat all the chocolates within a week, but this year I'm going to try to eat only 1 chocolate a day. Funny, 'cause I really don't like chocolate.
  • The Christmas spirit - people just seem happier at this time of year! Whether it's because they'll be getting presents, or because they'll be able to see their family, Christmas just lifts everyone's spirits!
  • Rest - as a high school student, I have 2 weeks of vacation at that time and I get to stay up and just sleep.

So what are your favourite things about Christmas?


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Don't Stuff My Stocking With Stocks

Filed Under:

One good thing about being so technologically advanced these days is that there are simulations for literally everything, including the stock market. We recently started a stock exchange simulation on Investopedia for a project in my accounting class.

At first, I was incredibly excited at the prospect of being able to play with ~250,000USD~. Not knowing what was really going on (All we were told was: Financial market = bad, Healthcare = lame, Technology = spastic), I, surprisingly, got REALLY into it at the beginning, and my indecisiveness was actually an advantage! I would stare at a stock for a LONG time before I bought it, but in the end, I decided to settle for the safe bets: Google, Microsoft, and Apple. (What can I say? I love my technology!) I know, I know, I invested in BOTH MSFT and AAPL, but hey, I don't care as long as they make me money!

And they did. So I started to get more adventurous and bought shares of other companies. Companies that I had never heard of. Thinking to myself "ah, what the heck, it's just a game", I bought a bunch of other shares, although in moderation.

That moderation there ended up saving me. When I lost, I didn't lose as much, but when I won, I didn't win as much either. Still, I was making a profit. By the end of that day, I was at the top of the leader board in my class!

And then, as usual, Regina did stupid things.

I won't go into the details, but I ended up losing a thousand or so bucks on Telecom Brazil due to the 20 minute delay in the Investopedia system. I also made some other bad investments, but luckily I was able to gain at least some of it back by short-selling. We have another 3 weeks of this simulation, so who knows? Maybe I'll do better next week. :P

Anyways, I guess what I've learned from these few days is this:

  • Do a lot a research before deciding to invest in a stock. Analyze their graphs and make SMART predictions.
  • Don't be afraid to take some risks; you lose some, you win some. That's life. What matters is that you win more than you lose.
  • I suck at predicting stocks, but not as much as I thought I did.
  • I don't want to ever invest in stocks in my life. Ever. The last few days almost gave me a heart attack, and I'd rather invest my money in something that I KNOW is going to give me a return, such as savings bonds and GICs.

The stock market is generally doing quite well as everyone is getting ready for the Christmas season.

TL;DR: I don't like the stock market.

What has been your or your family's experience with the stock market? Are you a risk taker, or do you like to play things safe?


Monday, November 23, 2009

Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham?

Filed Under:

I like green eggs and ham. In fact, I find that whenever I get home and feel hungry, I go to the fridge and grab a couple of eggs. And then I throw in whatever else I want/can find.

So here's what I made today:

I'm not a great cook, and it doesn't look that appetizing, but it was really good! (Though I suppose that's only because I was starving) It's eggs with tomato and king oyster mushrooms.


And it's incredibly easy to make!

  • Chop up a tomato and some mushrooms and throw them into a pan with cream cheese and butter.
  • Once the tomatoes are soft, throw in beaten eggs with milk.
  • Flip it a bit and pour it into a utensil once it's the right texture.
  • Add salt, pepper, ketchup, etc.

And voilà!

However, I'm tired of making the same kind of eggs. Suggestions, anyone?


Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bach Drowned Some Kittens Yesterday

Filed Under:

Why? Because some of his Prelude and Fugues were performed by teens unfit to correctly interpret his music.

Yes, I was one of them.

And here's a picture of me looking like a dork with my second place award.

... at first I was afraid, I was petrified

I always feel that no one can quite master Bach, because... well, it's Bach. His music is somehow different; with romantic music, it's all about interpretation and there's more room for creativity. But with Bach... it either sounds right, or it doesn't. And only Bach can perform the hell out of his pieces.

That's why I was so worried last night. Although, I wasn't worried about being bad necessarily - I was worried about being worse than everyone else. I couldn't get to sleep last night at all because this was my first piano competition in 5 years. I woke up in the middle of the night, restless, and said to myself: Okay. Screw sleep, I'm going to get up now. And then I decided this wasn't such a brilliant plan, because the clock kindly informed me that it was only 3 am.

I'm also amazed how competition can bring out one's true nature. As we all sat down, one girl started asking everyone what they were playing. Then, this conversation happened:

Annoying girl: (to the girl who is to play last) You know, you're lucky to be going last, because then you can see how everyone else played and play better than them.

me: Er... how? What if you're just not good enough?

Annoying girl: ...well then, you SUCK.

me: *thinking* who shoved a stick up your ass?

*facepalm* FYI: you're not going to magically perform better by being the last to play.

Of course, I'm quite happy with second place, considering the girl who won was in university and only beat me by 1%. :) Maybe next year.

Maybe. :)

Have you had any experiences with competitions, if so, how nervous were you?


Sunday, November 8, 2009


Filed Under:

Autumn: it's the season that makes me very very indecisive, especially because it itself is incredibly indecisive. (Oh hey, I was born in October... suddenly my inability to decide makes so much sense!)

On one hand, fall is great because:

1. Temperature-wise: it's not boiling, but not ridiculously cold either.

2. LEAVES! I've never jumped into a pile of leaves before, but I hear that it's great fun and really really want to do it one day! (Hopefully this year before it starts to snow; although Kaylee says they've already gotten the first snow fall of the year, so I'm not sure how long it'll be before we get it too...)

3. Back to school! I know I know, many would not see this as a good thing, but after 2 months of vegetation, I was eager to go back to school and have a scheduled life once again.

On the other hand... fall fails because:

1. Temperature-wise: It doesn't know what it wants to be! It's like "okay, so today I'll be extremely warm and tomorrow I'll make everyone wish they were wearing boots and a parka! Haha, I'm such a trickster!" FYI, you're not. I don't think anyone finds it funny to catch another cold every time we seem to get better from the previous cold. *shakes fist at sky*

2. Fall means... that winter is coming up. I hate winter with a passion (see new header, also, feedback would be great!) because I can't ski and I despise the cold. And because my parents insist on keeping our house at 66 degrees fahrenheit. *Shivers*

So, to sum it all up, I can't decide whether or not I like the most indecisive season of them all. How about you? What are your thoughts on autumn?


Thursday, October 22, 2009

One Year Older!

Filed Under:

It's ma birfday!  *toothy grin*

So this is what I've gotten so far:

I'm pretty sure these are the best gloves I've ever had. Ever. They were from Shiying

The agenda wasn't a birthday present but I got it as a gift for myself, because I really wanted a nice planner. And when I saw that one, I had to have it.

So far my birthday's been pretty good :) I haven't really done anything major, but I'll be going out tomorrow and I'm pretty sure I'll get more awesome presents, so I'll post those once I get pictures of them!


So here's what I got from my boyfriend and his family!

They know me too well: I got an ADORABLE E. Coli plushie (k, I'm probably the only one who thinks that E. Coli is adorable...) and an ecofriendly lunchbag in a spectacular pattern. Also, there's a duckie flashlight attached to it, just in case I ever need to dig around in my bag for my keys in the dark! So practical. :)


Monday, October 12, 2009

Grace In Small Things #8

Filed Under:

I haven't done a GIST post in so long! To compensate, I shall list 10 things instead of the regular 5. Sounds good? Good.

  1. Sitting beside the lake and enjoying the breeze on a hot summer day

  2. Taking the time to cook a "snack" for myself.

  3. Eating it.  Omnomnom

  4. Watching awesome youtube videos (like this one)

  5. Glee!!

  6. Beatles Rockband

  7. Turkey turkey turkey

  8. Watching videos of my boyfriend when he was little; he had the cutest British accent ever!

  9. The new season of House

  10. Waking up at 11 on a Sunday morning

I'm off to watch House!  Also, happy Canadian Thanksgiving to all my fellow Canadians out there! :D


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Me? Me?! Me!

Filed Under:

So it's time to start applying to university scholarships.

The question:
"Describe your involvement...", "How have you contributed...?", "Describe yourself in 400 word--"

The dilemma

I have enough trouble writing intros about myself on my past domains (and even the one in the sidebar --> is horrible)... the thing is, I have trouble putting my thoughts down on paper. I struggle to find the words that represent EXACTLY what I'm trying to get across. In fact, it took me 4 minutes to write that sentence.

That's not even the main issue though. My main issue with this is the fact that I hate talking about myself. I don't like talking about my accomplishments, the clubs I'm in, and basically just promoting myself in general. Of course, I realize that they need to, well, KNOW you before they give you the scholarship, but I feel like I would be boasting, because compared to many others, I haven't really done that much. And the thing is I have to make it seem extremely hardcore.

I also find descriptions written by oneself to be, well, I guess the word I'm looking for here is something close to untrustworthy. You can't lie about marks (well, maybe), but you can certainly lie about accomplishments. Scholarship applications don't require any proof that you are in fact, for example, the president of a youth charity or the treasurer of the student council. Experiences can be fabricated.

Most scholarships ask for reference letters from close adults, which I think is an excellent idea. I personally believe that my accomplishments aren't impressive, but to have an honest adult vouch for me would give me more credibility.

Yes, I am in fact filling out a scholarship application form right now, and I still have no idea what to say...

What has been your experience with writing personal statements? Do you have any advice for me in filling out scholarship applications?


Friday, September 25, 2009

Need A Pick-Me-Up?

Plinky prompted again, because I'm unimaginative.

"List the worst pickup lines you've heard (or can think of)."

Personally, I love reading pickup lines and rolling my eyes at them. Here are my favourites:

"Are you from Tennessee? 'Cause you're the only ten I see. *ba-dum-chh*"

"I wish I were a derivative so I could lie tangent to your curves. (Math pickup lines are the greatest)"

"If I were a function you would be my asymptote."

...I'm such a cheeseball.

"My name is Justin. Justincredible."

And this is the lamest one I've read:

"Hey, so I see you're a girl..."

Care to share your favourite ones? Or just ones that you find ridiculous/hilarious? :P


Sunday, September 13, 2009

New School Year

Filed Under:

Grade 12 started for me on September 8th. My new year... began with a trip to the main office to talk with my principal about my schedule, which was absolutely ridiculous. I had: accounting, international business, economics, and English first semester, and biology, chemistry, calculus & vectors, and French the next. But being the awesome person that he is, my principal changed up those courses right on the spot! The only downside is that I have to eat lunch at 9:24am during the first semester, but I think it's worth it. After all, everything has an opportunity cost!

Speaking of opportunity costs (see? I'm learning something in economics!), I was forced by my parents to give up my job at Kumon, so I can "focus on my studies" more. However, I didn't trade in my time at Kumon for more studying. Instead, I come home now on Tuesdays and Fridays to make dinner. This annoys me slightly, as I enjoyed working at Kumon a lot despite the few brats that went there.

I don't think I've talked about Link, the grade 9 orientation program at our school. Honestly, I'm pretty sure most of the niners would rather just go to class than spend an entire morning with some embarrassing seniors, but I had a lot of fun!

The shirts we had to wear are awful, but at least I didn't have any trouble picking out something to wear!

My final year of high school is for sure going to be tough and different. On top of the work load, there's always that nagging voice in the back of my mind that goes "pick a university! pick a university!"

If you're still in school, how is the new year for you? And if you've already completed high school, do you have any advice for a struggling senior trying to make the right decisions? :D


Thursday, August 27, 2009

Shanghai, Part Three

There are many excellent aspects of Shanghai, but one of my favourites is all the shopping! What I like about the malls in Shanghai is the fact that they have basically everything you need compacted into an average of 5 stories with at least 30 stores on each level. I love shopping, but I hate walking long distances to get to stores.

Here is the majority of my haul (click for larger image):

I absolutely love everything I bought, but I think my favourite has to be the Wacom Bamboo Tablet (which isn't pictured here, I just threw in the pen).

My second favourite thing is definitely the small turtle keychain thing, here's a closeup:

I've named it after my own turtle, Happy. :P

From the above pictures, you can also see that I got a lot of pens and pencils. I absolutely love shopping for stationery (which is why I love back-to-school shopping).

Lastly, I'd just like to share this gorgeous item of clothing with you all:

I can't wait to wear it! :D :D

So in conclusion, I love shopping, especially in Shanghai. Do you have any particular places/stores that you love?


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Shanghai, Part Two

Or "Meet The Family".

Since I'm lazy, I will make a list to make this easier:

  • Grandma(maternal): My grandma looked a lot older this time. I guess it was expected since for the past two years, she's gone to the hospital every single day to deliver food/meds to my grandpa, who had a stroke and a heart attack two years ago.

  • Grandpa: From what I heard from my uncle, he's doing a lot better than he was a year ago. He can now get up, communicate, and eat all by himself. He's taken a lot of meds, and also had to have a third of his heart removed, but I'm so glad he's getting better now.

    Grandma and grandpa

  • Grandmother(paternal): I'm sad that I only got to see her once during my entire trip, but she looks okay and is still very healthy for a 76 year old.

  • Uncle and Aunt: They took us shopping basically everywhere. Due to the huge changes in Shanghai (because of next year's Expo, they're basically rebuilding all the streets), we needed guides to take us places that my mom would have otherwise known if it wasn't for all the reconstruction.

  • Cousin: My only first cousin. He's 12 this year and his parents are thinking of sending him to Canada for university, so my mom and I helped him practise his English. An avid gamer, he is basically surgically attached to his PSP. His favourite game? NBA Live 08. My cousin is also a little brand crazy and only wears Nike and Adidas, although he does love his Louis Vuitton bag. Other pasttimes include stealing and trying on his dad's Ray Bans and leather coat while humming the Mission Impossible theme song:

    He loves me for taking this photo

Those were the only people that I saw everyday, so I'll stop the list there. Also, the dragon-thingy from the previous post was a sword, so congrats to Kathleen for getting it right!

Part Three will be up after I take some more pictures. :)


Friday, August 14, 2009

Shanghai, Part One

After being tired, sick, and jetlagged for 2 days, I woke up this morning and said to myself, "I WILL blog about Shanghai today!" So, here I am! Part One will deal with mostly the events of the trip and my thoughts on them. Of course, this post will be accompanied by the numerous pictures I took.

Before I left, I packed a journal so that I can write everything that happened in it to make sure I don't forget. Therefore I will be using it to write this post, because my memory is horrible.

When we arrived at our old house, I immediately felt like a giant. The furniture was miniature, and seemed like it belonged to the set of Alice in Wonderland. Not surprisingly, my grandma still has a random picture I drew when I was like, five.

We didn't stay there for long though, my uncle insisted that we stay at his apartment for a while. Apparently, "a while" meant for the rest of our trip. I'm not complaining though, because I had complete access to his computer! Yay for technology! He also had some pretty neat things in his house, such as these items:

E-cookies for whoever can guess what this is/does:

The lamp has no switch, it just lights up when you tap it, and I love the style of the phone:

Here are some views if you look out the apartment, which is on the 14th floor:

Can you say "light pollution" ?

We didn't really go anywhere except for the hospital and shopping (which will both be in separate posts). The only other place we went to is Suzhou, which is where my grandpa and great-grandma's graves are located.

Where did all the tall buildings go?! You can tell we weren't in Shanghai anymore:

This is the entrance to where my grandpa is buried. Since it's on a mountain, it's a really long and steep climb, in 37 degrees Celsius weather, with plenty of mosquitoes to keep you company:

So, that pretty much sums up all the places I visited. Get ready for Shanghai, Part Two! I don't know what it'll be about yet, but I don't think it'll have this many pictures.


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Quick Update From China

I managed to get on the interwebz from my uncle's computer, therefore I thought I'd post what I've done so far:

-Shopping, shopping shopping. I'll post pictures of the things I bought (and there are a LOT) once I get back to Canada.

-Visiting my grandpa in the hospital almost everyday. He's doing a lot better nowadays. When I first walked in, he didn't immediately recognize me, but when he did, he started to cry. :(

-Was forced to get two moles removed by my family by laser surgery. Apparently they grew in a bad place and had to be removed... now I have two holes in my face.

-Bummed around and watched pirated DVDs. I managed to get all the seasons of House for 15 RMB, which is $2.50 Canadian. :P

That's all for now, hope you're all enjoying your summers! It's not boiling hot in China right now, surprisingly, today's high is only 28 degrees Celsius!


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Off to Shanghai!

Well, it's exactly what the title says: I'm going to Shanghai! Yep, I'll be fried alive daily out in the streets of Shanghai for 3 weeks.

I won't be able to blog there because Blogger is blocked in China, and I haven't written any posts in advance because... well, I'm lazy. :P

Things are quite hectic at the moment. Since my dad's not going with me and my mom, I had to bake him 4 loaves of bread and a dozen muffins to make sure he doesn't starve. I also still need to pack all my clothes and toiletries, but I can't pack the latter until tomorrow morning after I've brushed my teeth and stuff.

I'm going back mostly just to visit family; my grandpa's been in the hospital for a while (about two years now) and I also haven't seen my other relatives in about 3 years.

Anyway, I come back on August 11th, so I'll see you all then!

Also, I'm interested in knowing what you've done/are planning to do this summer. :)


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Plinky: Name A Movie That Frightens You

Filed Under:

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The original was probably the scariest movie of my childhood; the new one was also quite frightening. Here's why:

The Original

Keep in mind that I watched this when I was like, seven years old. In Willy Wonka's factory, bad things happened to every single one of the children except for Charlie, who was of course the protagonist, so he basically had no faults. I knew I wasn't perfect; I was a greedy, ambitious and most of all bitchy child, kind of a cross between Veruca and Violet. As a result, the seven-year-old me thought to myself, "Oh my god I'm going to drown in a bucket of melted chocolate."

No, it did not make me want to be a better person.

Another reason why I was terrified is this:

Why hello, old man... *wiggles eyebrows*

They're orange, with green hair, and HUGE white eyebrows! They're mutated carrots! Nevermind my seven-year-old self, I STILL think they're scary, especially the one on the bottom left.

Lastly, there's a creepy scene that I remember to this day even though I only saw the movie once: when Willy Wonka (played by Gene Wilder) takes them on the boat trip and you see a whole bunch of images in between a rainbow of colours. It seems that everyone on that boat is scared out of their wits... except for Charlie and his grandpa of course. And Willy... he's just creepily staring at all of them.

Well, I wasn't amused.

The Remake

Johnny Depp as Willy Wonka. 'Nuff said. *Runs away from screaming fan boys/girls*

As awesome as Johnny Depp was in Pirates of the Caribbean, to me, he was a creep in this movie.


So, what are your opinions on Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory?


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Stuff Regina Likes

... because I'm materialistic like that... not. Jeez guys, I'm Buddhist.

  • Photo paper: Oh my god, it's so shiny and perfect in every way. Good photo paper always makes photos look better than they originally were. Not to mention they make the memories captured on film so much nicer. :)

  • The sun: Or more specifically, lying in the sun and then getting that warm tingly feeling afterwards. It usually means that I got slightly burnt, but it seems like a good trade-off to me. Plus, I don't get burnt that easily, so I don't have to deal with gross peeling skin at all.

  • Eating outside: Especially by a body of water. Like this one:

    Despite the large amount of people, I still had a pretty good time eating and basking outside in the sun. Oh, but you know what sucks? The fact that my mother thought it was too cold for me to go into the water. *shakes fist*

    me: do you see all the people that are out there in the water?
    her: they're all crazy.

  • Cute animals: His name is Chip.

    Need I say more?


Saturday, July 11, 2009

Grace In Small Things #7

Filed Under:

  1. The smell of the air in the morning

  2. Orange juice

  3. Writing words of encouragement on post-it notes and sticking them in random places

  4. Calibri and Cambria

  5. Leaving pennies on the ground


Thursday, July 9, 2009

I Am As Deep As The Aral Sea

Filed Under:

While talking to my dad today, he said something (in Shanghainese of course) along the lines of:

"You can't treat the refrigerator like a safe; sooner or later all the food's going to go bad anyways."

...and that when I had an epiphany! My heart is a refrigerator!

No, really, think about it! I'm not talking about your heart being physically able pump blood and stuff, but instead about it acting like a safe to harbour the secrets, grief, and annoyances that you keep to yourself.

All of it accumulates, much like food, until you can't put more in. And if you don't take some out, they'll go bad and stink up the rest of the place. So, I guess my point is: it's not healthy to not have a way of letting out the suppressed anger, grief, or sadness.

I suppose I should really take my own advice, but I don't like to burden others with my anxiety. *Sigh* I find it helps if I blog about whatever's troubling me. :)

How do you manage your anger/sadness?


Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Filed Under:

Rating: 5/5

Up, directed by Pete Docter and Bob Peterson, tells a touching story of a 78-year-old widower, Carl Fredricksen, who travels to South America to fulfill his lifelong dream by tying thousands of balloons to his house.

When I first saw the trailer for it, I thought, "This is going to be just another hilarious comedy." But I had forgotten that it's Pixar, not Dreamworks, and Pixar never disappoints.

The story goes beyond Carl's wish to go to South America, and delves deeper into the human aspect of guilt. I won't will try not to spoil the plot, so I'll start of by saying this: I cried three times during that movie. It starts of very sweet and cute: a young Carl is at the movie theatre watching a documentary about his favourite explorer. On the way back home, he meets a little girl named Ellie, who he later marries. She is also a wilderness enthusiast and makes him promise (he crossed his heart!) to take her to South America one day.

Fast forward a few decades: Ellie is dead, and Carl is anguished at the fact that he hadn't kept his promise. So he ties thousands of balloons to his house, and off he goes to South America!

Pixar is great at storytelling; Carl Fredricksen's actions were so believable, that I truly felt like I was there with him. Every little detail was explained in the end; every loose end tied up, just like the balloons to Carl's house.

In all, this was a great concept which bloomed into an amazing story with some original laughs and real heartfelt moments. Just as a sidenote, I think my favourite character would have to be Dug, the friendly dog, just because I can relate to him the most. He's friendly, very absentminded, and gets distracted very easi - SQUIRREL! I would recommend this movie to anyone, because there's something in it for everyone.

Also, if you're like me and you like listening to the soundtrack during the movie, it is absolutely superb as well. :)

So, if you've seen it already, what were your thoughts? And if you haven't yet, what are you waiting for?!


Friday, July 3, 2009

Summer Project #1 : Done

In my previous post, I said that my first summer project would be to make a decent fruit sculpture. While making dinner, I decided to tackle the tomato rose. That's like saying you're going to do a magnificent painting and then end up painting something like this; interesting and nice to look at, but not exactly the most difficult challenge.

Well, anyways, here's my result on my first try:

tomato rose

tomato rose, again

I was pretty proud of it actually, because I originally thought that there was no way I'd get it right on the first try, but it looks decent! I think I'll tackle the swan apple soon.

Let me know what you think!


Thursday, July 2, 2009


Filed Under:

  • I get to pick up my report card tomorrow... *holds breath* I'm actually incredibly nervous for this, since I know my marks have dropped since midterm.

  • Sitting on the floor and listening to music all by yourself is very relaxing on a hot summer day.

  • First summer project: make a decent fruit sculpture. I'm sure my mom won't mind a dozen tomatoes or apples being used for artistic purposes. :P

  • While cleaning out my closet today, I realized just how OCD I am. Now my tops are organized in order of sleeve lengths, and my bottoms are organized in order of length as well. I thought about doing it by colour, but this way I'll be able to see everything.

  • I've also realized that I've done absolutely nothing to impact anyone/anything in my entire sixteen years of life. It's true that I have my entire life ahead of me to do just that, but that shouldn't be my mindset. I need to get off my lazy ass and actually do something.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I went to Detroit with Shiying and her family this weekend, the main reason being that she had an extra ticket to an Offspring concert and nobody else to go with her. Now, to put it quite bluntly, I don't listen to the Offspring. At all. The dude just can't sing. But I thought, "ah, what the heck. I don't have anything better to do anyways."

...have you ever agreed to do something you thought would be mediocre, only to realize in the middle of it that you were having an amazing time?

Well, the concert freaking rocked.

First on was a band called Time Again. They were... energetic. Nobody really stood up and sang along or anything because most people were here for the next two bands. Still, they were amusing to listen to. Not my kind of music, but that's okay.

Next up were the Dropkick Murphys. Wooooooww. Here's a picture of their backdrop:

Is that sick, or is that sick? This is the first band I've heard of that combined Celtic folk stuff with punk rock, and it was really, really awesome.

Lastly, the Offspring. At the point, we decided to get out of our seats and head down to the stage area. We were literally a metre away from the stage, and my ears died that night. But, I've gotta say, although I don't like their music, the Offspring are amazing performers. Not to mention the lead guitarist's name is Noodles:
It's Noodles!

However, being a metre away from the stage always means being in the same area with the drunken and sweaty guys who are trying to get everyone to mosh but failing due to the fact that there are SEATS nailed to the ground. (In the end, one guy actually tore one off...)

We also wandered around on the streets of downtown Detroit. On four separate occasions, random guys asked us to take pictures of them. It seems downtown is just overrun with these kind of people, because other than them, there was practically nobody on the streets. One of those people asked us to give him a call. He did this while talking to someone on his cellphone. -facepalm-

The next day, we did what we do best. Shopping. At the biggest outlet mall I've ever been to. Being the nerd that I am, I spent a great deal of time in Borders, but still managed to get a few nice pieces of clothing.

All in all, this was a pretty fun trip! I can't say Detroit would be my first pick for a vacation destination, but it was better than I thought it would be! To conclude this excessively long post, here's a picture of me and Shiying being crazy as usual:

I'm the crazier one.

It's hard to take self portraits with a huge-ass DSLR camera.


Grace In Small Things #6

Filed Under:

  1. Getting letters, regardless of their lengths :)

  2. Rain, rain, rain

  3. Being able to vegetate all day and not worry about school

  4. Outlet malls.

  5. Watching Pixar/Dreamworks movies :)


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Coughing Up A Storm

Filed Under:

Yes, I am sick. Again.

I always get sick during exam time, which isn't good since I have three left to do. During these weeks, I get so stressed out that my immune system basically just goes, "Okay, bye!" and leaves me to fend off those nasty bugs by myself.

*Sigh* I need to go get more Kleenex.

Any suggestions on how to relieve stress?


Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Outgoing Are You? - Regina evaluates herself

"You are 36% outgoing! Now send this result to all your friends!", this isn't another Facebook quiz...but man those things are addicting. Did you know that I was secretly a Shao-lin monk? Neither did I. Anyways, remember my New Year's resolutions? I only had two this year, and they were to smile more and become less shy. It's been half a year already, so I thought I'd evaluate myself.

Smiling more
...I'll really have to ask my friends about this one, but in my own opinion, I've been smiling a lot more lately. Since the beginning of February, there has been a little voice at the back of my head that says 'pull up the corners of your mouth!' whenever I forget. Strangely, I find that this forced smiling actually brightens my mood! In addition to that, I've also been a lot happier since January because of certain people in my life :P . Goodbye high school drama! Regina is done with you forevarrr! Well, hopefully, I really don't want to have a repeat of last year again... and no, it's too stupid/ridiculous to post on the interwebz.

But anyways, I think I've been successful so far with this resolution, so I'll give myself half a check mark for that one!

Oh! You know what else makes me smile? MLIG, it's like the equivalent of watching chick flicks, for people (namely, me) who don't like chick flicks!

Becoming less shy
Still workin' on it. Needless to say, I'm less shy around my friends because, well, they're my FRIENDS. But in the past six months, I think I've gotten better at talking to random people. K, no, I don't go up to strangers on the street and ask them how they're doing (although, that would be an interesting experiment...), but I'm actually waving to people in the hallways now! In addition to that, I burst out into song at random times of the day. It's like my brain suddenly decided that it didn't CARE if it was embarrassed in public! This might be a bit embarrassing for my friends... but they'll have to deal with it. :P

...and that's a VERY liberating feeling.

So, in all, I think I still have a along way to go, but I'm going to keep working on it. You'll see, one day, I'll run down the streets of Toronto screaming "I LOVE EVERYBODY!!!!"

Did you set any resolutions? If so, which ones have you achieved?


Grace In Small Things #5

Filed Under:

I can't believe I forgot to do this last week. *headdesk*

  1. Soaking in the sun during lunch

  2. Finally being able to wear shorts! Yay summer!

  3. Reading and relaxing on a nice Sunday afternoon

  4. Ice cream, omnomnom

  5. The fact that there are only two more weeks of school left


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Filed Under:

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason my boyfriend is better than yours.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Esprit Lifts My Esprit

Filed Under:

I figured it's time to discuss my obsession: Esprit.

No, I don't spend all my time on their website. Yes, I do go into every Esprit store I see. No, I don't buy everything I try on. Yes, I love the majority of their clothing. And yes, this is my absolute most favourite store in the whole wide world.

...other than Chapters, but we're strictly talking about clothing today.

Now, I'm going to do something I don't normally do, and that is gush about fabric. OH MY GOODNESS they have the cutest clothes ever. They're almost all made of 100% cotton, so they're very comfortable; they're durable; and most importantly, they're classics that you can mix and match.

Here are some of my favourites that I decided to incorporate into different outfits (yes, I am putting off homework):

As you can see, the clothes aren't overly revealing, fancy, or grungy. They're designed for everyday people, but again, they're SO CUTE. Also, while browsing their online stores today, I realized that the UK stores have much nicer things than the US... I might just have to take a trip there someday. :P

How about you? Are there any stores that you absolutely LOVE and must always go into?


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy ^10

Filed Under:

The next three weeks are going to be the busiest weeks of the entire year for me. *Gets out my planner, which I can't live without* I have (in this order) :

  1. Chemistry in-class RAT (Rich Assessment Task) for three days

  2. An informational meeting for DECA

  3. Chemistry unit test. But it's on hydrocarbons, so it doesn't really count.

  4. Accounting test

  5. Math in-class RAT

  6. Physics in-class RAT for two days

  7. Exams, exams, exams.

  8. More exams.

  9. Exam review day. Ack, do not wantz.

  10. Hanging out with friends

  11. Birthday party

  12. Driving, driving, driving.

  13. Driving test.

  14. China!

Holy mother of pearl...

But man, I love being busy.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Haz Idea?

Filed Under:

I was sitting in math class, doodling in my agenda while the teacher took up review questions... *starts dozing off*

That led me to accidentally draw a curved backwards S-shaped line, which then led to the creation of these:

They're kittyvases! (I hope no one has thought of these yet...) I rarely get actual creative ideas, but this was one of them. Personally, I think they're quite cute. :) C'mon, who doesn't love kitties?

I guess math is innovative... in an odd way. Have you ever made anything awesome purely by accident?


Sunday, May 31, 2009

Grace In Small Things #4

Filed Under:

  1. The scent of oranges and lemons.

  2. Water. It's amazing.

  3. Dipping your feet into the lake for the first time this year. It was freezing cold, but worth it.

  4. A good book.

  5. A father who doesn't freak out when I'm driving.


Saturday, May 30, 2009

Possibly the Girliest Shoes on This Planet

Filed Under:

Oh look! Regina's blogging two days in a row? Is it because she

a. loves to write all of a sudden?

b. actually has something important to write down?

c. is bored and avoiding doing work?

If you guessed c, congrats! You get a cookie! (Though not from me, 'cause I don't know how to bake them)

But anyways, today, my mom decided to drag me up at 7:30 in the morning to go shopping with her. And... we found this pair of shoes:

This is (and will be) probably the girliest pair of shoes I will ever own. It's pink, flowery, has heels (only about two inches though, since I fail at walking in high heels), and sparkles. Maybe it's just me, but I'm kind of scared to wear something this girly in public. It might start screaming "LOOK AT THIS GIRL'S FEET! THEY SPARKLE!"


Friday, May 29, 2009


Filed Under:

  1. It is 9:41 right now, and I'm starving already.

  2. People (including me) are gloomier when the weather is sucking. Come on, Mother Nature, it's almost June. For goodness sake, is it too much to ask for a little bit of sunshine!?

  3. Periods in the computer labs are completely useless. I see people playing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, going on Facebook, and other sites that my near-sightedness does not allow me to see clearly.

  4. ... And of course, the supply teacher just walked past behind me.

  5. There are 14 computers along this side of the wall. 6 of them are working. Yes, I tried all of them.

  6. I am so bored. I am so bored. I am so bored.

  7. And hungry.


Sunday, May 24, 2009

This Is Not How I Roll

Filed Under:

I went to a surprise party yesterday at a rollerskating rink for a friend who is moving to Hong Kong next year. I've roller-skated once before for about five minutes until I fell and decided to give up; so, needless to say, I was quite nervous to put on a pair of skates. A combination of my awkwardness, lack of experience and poor coordination, I was easily the most challenged person there.

Luckily, the whole event turned out much better than I thought it would have, thanks to my very supportive (literally, I can't count the number of times I almost fell) boyfriend as well as my friends who grabbed onto me to make sure I didn't fall.

I only fell twice! :D And I'll have two bruises by tomorrow.

Unfortunately, I didn't bring a camera, so I'll post a picture of my awkwardness after everyone puts their photos on Facebook. EDIT: AWKWARD PICTURE OF ME IS UP! I'm the one that's struggling in the yellow top.

So, what has been your experience with rollerskating/rollerblading?

Also, it's Sunday, which means ... Grace In Small Things!

  1. Singing along to ABBA

  2. Sand in my toes

  3. The sound of birds chirping away early in the morning

  4. The soft squishy texture of Brie cheese

  5. Knowing that your friends have your back. (Or just knowing that you have friends :P )


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Grace In Small Things #2

Filed Under:

  1. An almost empty movie theatre. Silence is golden.

  2. Cards with puns or cheesy messages

  3. A clear blue sky

  4. Rhyming couplets. Thanks Dr. Seuss

  5. Singing along to Norah Jones

Also, why has everyone stopped blogging? :( I need more blogs to read; if you know of a good one, let me know!


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Overcoming my fear of...

Wearing the colour yellow.

Now, I love the colour itself because it's just so bright and sunny, but I've always had a fear of wearing yellow because it makes me look hideous. I'm pretty sure the first time I wore something yellow, someone told me that I looked like a banana.

Don't we all have colours that we would never wear? Well, mine is was yellow.

That all sort of changed today. I was shopping for something to wear to a party whose theme was "bright and tight", which was... a bit of a problem because

a. I don't do tight. At all.

b. Or bright.

But alas, I had to find something to wear. After much encouragement from one of the ladies at the store, I tried this on:

And guess what? It didn't look that bad. AND it was bright and tight!

So there we go, I hope to completely overcome my fear of wearing yellow someday, but this was a significant step for me.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Grace In Small Things #1

Filed Under:

I stumbled across this neat concept first on Chanel's blog, and then was linked to it again on Snark : Grace In Small Things.

From their website:

Grace in Small Things exists because we are choosing not to allow the noisiness of life to rob us of the time and energy to be mindful of ourselves and those we love and to recognize the grace that exists in small things."

One of my resolutions this year was to be more cheerful, so I thought I'd try this out! Of course, I'm way too lazy to do this everyday, so it'll probably be once every week.

  1. A warm homemade muffin for breakfast

  2. Giant hailstorm; it took me totally by surprise

  3. The sun coming out shortly after the storm

  4. Tylenol cold, so my nose isn't as stuffed up

  5. Being able to walk barefoot now since it's starting to get warmer


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Who's The Bravest Of Them All?

Filed Under:

I attended the No Limits Conference today in Toronto; it's coordinated by the association of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. For me, it did a lot more than just provide in-depth information about the CA profession; it opened my eyes to what kind of personality you must have to be successful in that area.

Anyways, accounting doesn't usually interest the general public; what I really wanted to talk about was a question asked by the MC today (who was, by the way, awesome. Go Sunjay!).

Who is the bravest person in history?

Apparently he asks this during every presentation, and the strangest answer that he decided to share with us was some guy who said, "The first guy to try... MILK!"


"Think about it, one day, this guy just said to his buddy, 'hey, see that wild animal over there? See those things hanging from it? Well... I'm going to go over there. And squeeze them. And then, I'll drink whatever comes out of them.'"

Now, I can't really imagine it happening like that, but my point is, someone was creative enough to think of it. (I'm not sure what was influencing them at the time, but that's not important...) And that, I envy.

It's interesting how differently a question can be perceived, and I envy the people who can think outside the box. If I were to answer that question, I would have probably said the first group of people to come to North America from across the ocean.

So, I'd like to ask the same question: Who do you think was the bravest person in history?


Monday, May 4, 2009

Things Are Blooming Now

Filed Under:

Lame title, but I wasn't sure how else I could put it. It's FINALLY getting warmer. It's about time.

(click for bigger view)


Friday, April 24, 2009

I Love New York

(Click for a better image)

My trip to New York City was absolutely amazing. The weather was great, and I really needed a change of atmosphere. I loved the bright lights in Time Square that made me forget it was night time; the beauty and calmness of Central Park; and the bustling streets during the day.

One of the highlights of the trip was definitely visiting Central Park. I found it incredible that amidst the busy and crowded city, there was a place where people can just relax and get away from everything. As we walked more towards the centre of the park, the outside noise disappeared completely. Sound engineering ftw!

I could have honestly stayed at the New York Public Library all day if I had the time, because it was just that incredible. Guarded by two marble lions named 'Patience' and 'Fortitude' (surprisingly, I didn't take any photos of them), it's yet another peaceful and quiet place in this busy city.

This was the best trip that I've taken in a long time, and now it's back to school and the same routine every. single. day. I uploaded some more photos (the ones that turned out slightly better than the rest... since my camera skills are teh suck) onto my dA account. (No, I will not get a Flickr account; I have way too many accounts to keep track of already. :P )


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Off to New York!

I'm going to New York tomorrow with the school band (band geeks ftw!) until Monday. I'm so excited right now that it's all I can think about. We'll be doing most of the touristy stuff, such as:

  • Visiting the Empire State building

  • Getting a tour of Radio City Music Hall

  • Going to Time Square

  • Watching a musical on Broadway

  • Seeing the Statue of Liberty

  • Lots of shopping

Other not-so-touristy things include:
  • Competing in the "Festivals of Music" competition at Montclair State University in NJ and awards ceremony at Planet Hollywood.

  • Listening to the New York Philharmonic Orchestra perform at the Lincoln Centre (yes, I am Canadian and will spell it with -re). They'll be playing Ravel's Concerto in G Major and Schubert's Symphony No 9 "Great".

So for the next five days I'll look like the typical nerdy tourist with my gigantic camera and backpack. But it'll be fun so I don't really care. :P Now I've gotta go and finish packing!


Sunday, April 12, 2009

What to Expect at a Chinese Get-together:

Filed Under:

  1. If you're of normal height, expect all your relatives to comment on how tall you are and how you just never seem to stop growing.

  2. Expect everyone to talk at the same time about the same thing. Very loudly. But the conversation will still somehow manage to make sense to everyone.

  3. The phrases "You didn't have to cook this much!" and "How will we ever finish all of this?" regardless of the amount of food present.

  4. Lots of discussions starting with "When I was a little boy/girl..."

  5. If there are teenagers present, expect the typical "So, which university/program do you want to get into?"

  6. Private school vs. public school debates.

  7. Moms exchanging recipes for American dishes (which they somehow manage to alter to make it more Asian.)

  8. Discussions about the following topics: university, school, good grades, your kids, other people's kids, China, communism, the economic recession, money, how to make more money, taxes, the government, the "old days", marriages and divorces, technology.

  9. Expect to leave at around 1 am the next morning.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Say Hi To Pikachu!

Filed Under:

As much as I want to kill myself over how horribly I bombed the last physics test, this car has made the educational part of physics quite enjoyable. I mean, look at it! It's Pikachu! How can anyone not be cheered up by Pikachu? :)


Sunday, March 29, 2009

I Am Bored

Filed Under:

And what does Regina do when she's bored? She makes lists (because she sucks at organizing her thoughts into coherent paragraphs)!

  • The next time I buy sheet music, I'll definitely check to make sure the fingering (get your head out of the gutters) is written in there. Searching for a copy of the music on the Internet and copying down the fingering for a 10 page long piece is not how I want to spend my evening.

  • Vacuuming is fun, but I hate the sound bugs make when they get sucked into the vacuum. *CRUNCH*

  • Techno seems to make me do things so much faster. It lets me get ready faster in the morning, it makes me walk faster to the bus stop, and it also made me chop vegetables faster today... which made me almost chop off my fingers.

  • I don't have any French courses this semester, so my reading/pronunciation is now even worse than it was before. Must. read. French. novels.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

End of March Break

It's the end of another March break, and just like during all the others ones, I've done nothing productive! Just so I can bore myself to tears yet again, I think I'll write down what I did everyday.

And then I might applaud myself for being so awesomely lazy.

Saturday: Got up at 7 to go get a blood test, the line was freaking long so my mom and I left. Went shopping.

Sunday: Driving lesson in the morning. Went to a Buddhist temple in the afternoon. Walked around the neighbourhood for 2 hours and took lots of photos. Worked on a physics project in the afternoon.

Monday: Walked Toby and got ambushed by another friend. Now I might have done something el-- oh, wait, that's all.

Tuesday: Driving lesson in the morning, walked Toby right after. Had a visit from Shiying in the afternoon.

Wednesday: Usual routine - wake up, sit on my lazy ass all day, go back to sleep.

Thursday: Usual routine, again. Almost died from boredom (I ended up watching Zoey101, someone hit me over the head with a paddle). However, chocolate is once again on my list of things that I like to eat.

Friday: Went downtown with a couple of friends in the afternoon; first time down at the lake since last summer! Saw The Reader in the evening.

Saturday: Attempt number 2 at getting a blood test, waited around 4 hours.

Sunday: Driving lesson in the morning, went swimming in the afternoon.

And there's my March break! I know, I lead an exciting life. And as much as I love relaxing, I'm relieved to go back to school again tomorrow. If you also had a week off of school, how was it? I hope you were more productive than I was!


Saturday, March 21, 2009

Just Ignore Me

Filed Under:

One thing that has bothered me for the longest time is when a friend:

a. deliberately ignores me


b. acts like I don't exist.

For me, a friendship is based on truthfulness, personality, and common interests. In that order. To be honest, I couldn't care less if someone had none of the same interests as me as long as they were a genuinely good person. But of course, high school has an unwritten law that decrees "you're judged based on who your friends are", which is probably the most hypocritical thing I've ever come across.

It's like saying, "I love my friends... but only the ones that my other friends won't make fun of me for".

What I hate is how different some of my friends can be around different groups of people. Of course, I'm not saying that I act the same around everyone, because it's in our nature to adapt and please those around us; however, I don't compromise friendships just to get an approval. To be frank, I honestly don't care what others think of my choice of friends.

I guess I can understand why some of my friends deliberately choose to do a. or b. since 1. I'm not exactly at the top of the food chain and 2. I might be different than who they usually hang out with. But seriously, isn't high school about meeting new people and forming unexpected friendships? (Yes, it's cheesy, but I'd like maintain my high school friendships with my real friends.) To those people who are guilty of doing a and/or b (and you know who you are): with all due respect, grow a spine and be your own person.

Sometimes I consider dropping those friendships because they make me frustrated, but people change, and I guess I'm still waiting for those friends of mine to change. The bottom line is: if you're too embarrassed to hang out with me, then just spit it out; I probably already know how you feel.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My (Non-Existant) Sports Bio

Yesterday's Plinky Prompt (which I'm using today because I can't think of an answer to today's prompt) : Congratulations! You're going to be featured in the next issue of 'Sports Illustrated.' How does your bio read?

" Meet the most nonathletic person alive! Can't be bothered to get off her lazy ass to do anything that might improve her health. Resolutions are pointless because they're never kept; lack of sports will be regretted in the future."

What would yours say?


Monday, March 16, 2009

I Spy Spring!

Filed Under:

It reached a high of 9 degrees celsius yesterday and the weather was altogether fantastic! I'm hoping mother nature keeps this up for the next week or so, because I am so sick and tired of winter.

When I came back from my 2-hour walk yesterday (took lots of photos :D ), my mom was outside beaming at what looked like an ordinary patch of dirt. Upon closer inspection, I realized that she was looking at this:

"Come look at the roses!" She said.

...what roses?

"Oh, you mean those little buds sticking out of the ground?"


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Walk Through Rattray Marsh

Filed Under:

'Ello! It's Dietrich again with an update from my memory stick. Regina recently went on a walk through Rattray Marsh and decided to take me with her. I'd say she had lots of fun; after all, with me around, how can she not? *crickets* Pah. You guys have no sense of humour.

Anyway, here were some of the more interesting things we saw along the way:
(Click for bigger image)

Apparently somebody thought this was Sparta.

where does this lead?
Bridge to...? (Any place but Terabithia)


Any suggestions/comments/feedback would be greatly appreciated!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Words That Sound Weird In My Head When Put Together

For some reason, I tend to think about the most random things whenever I'm in the bathroom. For example, I was brushing my teeth one morning, and suddenly "baby carrots" popped into my head. I had never thought about it before, but then suddenly an image of a pointy orange baby popped into my head. I wonder if the person who created Cabbage Patch Dolls was thinking the same thing...

+ = ?

It's not just "baby carrots" that sound weird to me, other common nouns such as "earphones" and "dining table" (a table that dines?) also seem strange in my head.

Are there any common nouns that make you say to yourself, "...well, that sounds unusual" ?


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Blogger just introduced me to an interesting new project of theirs called plinky, it's basically a website that gives you prompts for when you run out of things to blog about... SO, I decided to give it a try.

Today's prompt was: Are you a handywoman or handyman?

I think I'm decent with tools and such, but I wouldn't call myself a handywoman. I like hammering nails and using electrical equipment to cut stuff because it's stress-relieving (yeah, I'm strange).
However, I'm really klutzy, so I don't think I should really be trusted with tools...

How about you? Are you a handyman/handywoman?


Sunday, March 1, 2009

10 People in 10 Words or Less

Filed Under:

I've done posts in the past where I picked a few people that I interacted with on a daily basis and wrote about them. So here's basically the same thing, except in ten words or less. Because I'm lazy. And not creative. But mostly just lazy.

Contractions count as single words! :P

  1. Pick something and stick to it, you'll like it eventually.

  2. I wish I could know you better without seeming creepy.

  3. I feel awkward around you, our conversations are so pointless.

  4. You are a mystery that I just can not solve.

  5. Does anyone know the real you?

  6. Why can't you be more like *insert name here*?

  7. I've never met someone who is so dependent on others.

  8. Grow up, the world does not revolve around you.

  9. Why don't you trust me?

  10. You make me happy with your radiance, thanks so much

And because I ran out of people to talk about, one of these is about me. If you guess right you'll get an e-cookie :D


Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's My Name?

Filed Under:

How good are you at remembering names? Do you instantly connect a name with a face, or do you have to think really hard just to come up with the first letter? A lot of people apparently have trouble with this... or maybe it's just MY name that's hard to remember (/I'm forgettable). Here are just some of the things that happened to me (all on the same day) that leads me to believe so:

  1. At lunch, someone sat down at the same table where I was sitting and asked, "Sorry, but who ARE you?" even though I told him last week when he asked the same question. I don't think he has short term memory loss, so I guess I must be a forgettable person.

  2. At work, a kid came up to me and said, "Hey Natalie, I'm done my classwork." (I work at Kumon and I have to mark their classwork.) Natalie?! That's not even CLOSE to my name, and that boy has been coming to Kumon for at least two months.

  3. Again, at work, I got called "Georgina" (which is I guess closer to my name than Natalie...) by my boss. It's one thing to be called by another name by a student, but it's an entirely different situation when the woman who gives me my pay cheques gets my name wrong. *Crawls back under rock*

So, how often do people mess up YOUR name?


Sunday, February 22, 2009


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"Hello, I'm Dietrich, Regina's new Sony Alpha200 camera. And I am awesome. I apologize for taking over her life, but it's not my fault I'm so addicting.

Here's a picture she took with me yesterday:

Aye aye aye, that girl has a lot to learn."