How good are you at remembering names? Do you instantly connect a name with a face, or do you have to think really hard just to come up with the first letter? A lot of people apparently have trouble with this... or maybe it's just MY name that's hard to remember (/I'm forgettable). Here are just some of the things that happened to me (all on the same day) that leads me to believe so:
- At lunch, someone sat down at the same table where I was sitting and asked, "Sorry, but who ARE you?" even though I told him last week when he asked the same question. I don't think he has short term memory loss, so I guess I must be a forgettable person.
- At work, a kid came up to me and said, "Hey Natalie, I'm done my classwork." (I work at Kumon and I have to mark their classwork.) Natalie?! That's not even CLOSE to my name, and that boy has been coming to Kumon for at least two months.
- Again, at work, I got called "Georgina" (which is I guess closer to my name than Natalie...) by my boss. It's one thing to be called by another name by a student, but it's an entirely different situation when the woman who gives me my pay cheques gets my name wrong. *Crawls back under rock*
So, how often do people mess up YOUR name?

"Hello, I'm Dietrich, Regina's new Sony Alpha200 camera. And I am awesome. I apologize for taking over her life, but it's not my fault I'm so addicting.
Here's a picture she took with me yesterday:

Aye aye aye, that girl has a lot to learn."
I don't know if anyone's ever told you this, but it's NOT a good idea to set up your nets in the middle of the street because, you know, there are these dangerous moving things called CARS that can run you over. Yeah, trust me, those things can go really fast and they might just kill you if the driver wants to screws up.
Let's ignore that for a minute though, and concentrate on what is perhaps a more pressing issue: do you have the faintest clue what manners are? C'mon, I'm sure your parents must have mentioned that word a few times before. It means NOT shouting at the person driving in a car marked "DRIVING SCHOOL" while they're trying to manoeuvre through the freaking obstacle course you set up with your nets and piles of jackets.
Of course, a bunch of 10-year-old boys are also challenging targets obstacles for an inexperienced driver during her first driving lesson. And contrary to your beliefs, yelling "GO ALREADY!", "GTFO", and other more inappropriate things are not going to make me drive any faster. What someone with an actual brain would have done was walk over to the curb and wait until the car has passed. But instead, you all continued to stand there and yell.
The next time you decide to yell profanities at a stranger, make sure they're not operating a vehicle that can run over your pathetic little bodies.

- Jimmy Neutron was named after James Chadwick, who discovered the neutron. I love chemistry class. He is my hero. And I dug up a really old picture of me and Jimmy Neutron because I'm such a loser. Oh, the good ol' days.
- Driving is boring... but that's because I only drove in circles in a parking lot. Watch out world, 'cause Regina will get to drive on real roads tomorrow! Let's all hope I don't crash into anyone/anything.
- When my head feels like it's about to explode, I shouldn't let my mom feed me a copious amount of herbal meds, because a. they will not work, and b. she bought them about 5 years ago.
- Juice + cheese = Blehhhh.
I always get sick on long weekends. To anyone that's living in Ontario: have a good Family day tomorrow!
Why wait until one specific day of the year to show how much you care for that special someone? This has basically turned into an obligation in this society: "Oh shoot, gotta go pick up a generic box of chocolates or else she'll kill me" or "Gah, forgot to get a cheesy tie for him!" (I don't like chocolate, so I don't like getting them, but it might be different for others)
Now, I'm not opposed to this whole deal, but it's ridiculous how much companies make from this. It's great that people are showing their appreciation for each other, but I saw Valentine's Day-related things go up in early JANUARY. Is that really necessary? And you know what? It's not just this holiday that guilt-trips you into getting a present for someone - Mother's Day and Father's Day are the same. It's that one day of the year when you feel the NEED to get them something. People should show their appreciation to their parents on a daily basis, and that doesn't necessarily mean buying them gifts. An expensive present isn't going to make up for you being a brat the other 364 days of the year.
Back to the topic, if you're single and okay with it like me, this day is just another normal day. If you're single but you don't want to be, just stay home and watch Disney movies or something. If you're happily "anchored" (Yes, my Facebook is set on pirate-speak), I hope this will be a good day for you.
Oh, I leave you with these V-day cards since they're hilariously nerdy and cheesy.
I guess I have what is commonly known as writer's block, but since I don't really consider myself a writer, I think I'll change the term to "blogger's block" instead.
With nothing else to talk about, I guess I'll summarize my courses now that it's been two weeks into the new semester already (time flies when you're punching numbers constantly into a calculator all day):
Physics: I'm liking this class, but it's probably going to get a lot more difficult. I'm so glad I have an awesome teacher though; in his spare time, he set up a multi-point interactive Whiteboard using a Wiimote in our classroom! What I'm REALLY looking forward to in this class is the optics unit; cow eyeball dissection!
Chemistry: I've always loved chemistry because everything just seems to make sense in my head, and although the first unit is a bit slow, things should start to pick up soon. Again, I have a really good teacher, so I'm confident that this course is going to be one of my better ones.
Lunch: Shut up, this IS a course. :P They should probably change this to "Homework Session", since that's all everyone does (well, my friends at least) anyway.
Accounting: This is kind of a joke right now, the material is so easy that anyone with common sense can figure it out. However, although this is a boring course, I like it because it's the one class in which I never get homework. :P
Advanced Functions: Fast-tracking is awesome, especially if you have lots of friends in the same class as you. The teacher is awesome and although he's not the strict kind (like the one I had last semester, who was equally awesome), he still manages to control the classes pretty well. I'm not used to his way of teaching yet, but I'm sure I'll adapt.
BTW, Don't forget to celebrate 1234567890 Day, which is tomorrow!
So the reason I haven't blogged in nearly a week is the fact that last week was spent researching and making final notes for the Model United Nations conference. Did I have a life at all last week? No (although I never rarely do anyway). Was it worth it? Absolutely.
I had a pretty small role this year as the delegate from Chile in SOCHUM, also known as the third committee. To be honest, I would have liked to be on a crisis committee, simply because it would have been more interesting, but I'm actually glad I wasn't this year since I am the worst public speaker/debater ever.
The first day was pretty boring to be honest, but the second day picked up momentum as we were given a (fake) crisis during the first committee session. It turned out that there was a exodus in one of the villages in Sudan. Now, I was sitting at the very back on the second day, so I could see exactly what was going on: the Sudanese delegate passed several notes to his friend that read "WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!" and at one point he left the room to talk with his teacher. Clearly, he thought he was screwed. Eventually, we passed a resolution on this crisis and got back to the topic at hand: child soldiers.
Here are some other memorable moments (you probably won't find them that funny, but after sitting there for nearly 8 hours, these were hilarious):
- The delegate from Rwanda's cellphone rang, and the Chair looked at him and said, "While the Chair is glad that the delegate from Rwanda has the financial means to afford a cellular device, we would like for him and all delegates who have this luxury to turn it off."
- Russia: We do not agree with this, blah blah blah
Canada: Do you have an idea as to how to solve this then?
Russia: ...No, but that's why we urge all delegates to ponder this issue.
- Israel: And we can just chop their heads off! ... so to speak.
- Just to make things more interesting, the Chair went up to the delegate from China and told him to motion to censure Poland.
- The delegate from the US then asked if anybody had valid reasons to censure Poland; the Chair then said, "Once again, the USA is a killjoy in this UN committee".
- Poland then declared itself "Polreandstine", and was therefore able to talk again.
- China proposed to send all the Palestinians to "Polreandstine" to end the current conflict in the Gaza strip.
- Iraq then told China to test this plan out on the Tibetans. (BURN)
Now that MUN is done, I honestly have no idea what to do with my free time anymore. Any suggestions for new hobbies/activities to do so that I don't die of boredom?
I've never noticed this in my parents' room before:

IT'S A FACE! *laughs goofily while others facepalm*
For more faces in random places, you should visit
Faces In Places ! And if you ever find a face in a weird place, you can just upload and submit it on Flickr. I'm too lazy to get a Flickr account, which is why I'm just posting the picture here.