And what does Regina do when she's bored? She makes lists (because she sucks at organizing her thoughts into coherent paragraphs)!
- The next time I buy sheet music, I'll definitely check to make sure the fingering (get your head out of the gutters) is written in there. Searching for a copy of the music on the Internet and copying down the fingering for a 10 page long piece is not how I want to spend my evening.
- Vacuuming is fun, but I hate the sound bugs make when they get sucked into the vacuum. *CRUNCH*
- Techno seems to make me do things so much faster. It lets me get ready faster in the morning, it makes me walk faster to the bus stop, and it also made me chop vegetables faster today... which made me almost chop off my fingers.
- I don't have any French courses this semester, so my reading/pronunciation is now even worse than it was before. Must. read. French. novels.
It's the end of another March break, and just like during all the others ones, I've done nothing productive! Just so I can bore myself to tears yet again, I think I'll write down what I did everyday.
And then I might applaud myself for being so awesomely lazy.
Saturday: Got up at 7 to go get a blood test, the line was freaking long so my mom and I left. Went shopping.
Sunday: Driving lesson in the morning. Went to a Buddhist temple in the afternoon. Walked around the neighbourhood for 2 hours and took lots of photos. Worked on a physics project in the afternoon.
Monday: Walked Toby and got ambushed by another friend. Now I might have done something el-- oh, wait, that's all.
Tuesday: Driving lesson in the morning, walked Toby right after. Had a visit from Shiying in the afternoon.
Wednesday: Usual routine - wake up, sit on my lazy ass all day, go back to sleep.
Thursday: Usual routine, again. Almost died from boredom (I ended up watching Zoey101, someone hit me over the head with a paddle). However, chocolate is once again on my list of things that I like to eat.
Friday: Went downtown with a couple of friends in the afternoon; first time down at the lake since last summer! Saw The Reader in the evening.
Saturday: Attempt number 2 at getting a blood test, waited around 4 hours.
Sunday: Driving lesson in the morning, went swimming in the afternoon.
And there's my March break! I know, I lead an exciting life. And as much as I love relaxing, I'm relieved to go back to school again tomorrow. If you also had a week off of school, how was it? I hope you were more productive than I was!
One thing that has bothered me for the longest time is when a friend:
a. deliberately ignores me
b. acts like I don't exist.
For me, a friendship is based on truthfulness, personality, and common interests. In that order. To be honest, I couldn't care less if someone had none of the same interests as me as long as they were a genuinely good person. But of course, high school has an unwritten law that decrees "you're judged based on who your friends are", which is probably the most hypocritical thing I've ever come across.
It's like saying, "I love my friends... but only the ones that my other friends won't make fun of me for".
What I hate is how different some of my friends can be around different groups of people. Of course, I'm not saying that I act the same around everyone, because it's in our nature to adapt and please those around us; however, I don't compromise friendships just to get an approval. To be frank, I honestly don't care what others think of my choice of friends.
I guess I can understand why some of my friends deliberately choose to do a. or b. since 1. I'm not exactly at the top of the food chain and 2. I might be different than who they usually hang out with. But seriously, isn't high school about meeting new people and forming unexpected friendships? (Yes, it's cheesy, but I'd like maintain my high school friendships with my real friends.) To those people who are guilty of doing a and/or b (and you know who you are): with all due respect, grow a spine and be your own person.
Sometimes I consider dropping those friendships because they make me frustrated, but people change, and I guess I'm still waiting for those friends of mine to change. The bottom line is: if you're too embarrassed to hang out with me, then just spit it out; I probably already know how you feel.
Yesterday's Plinky Prompt (which I'm using today because I can't think of an answer to today's prompt) : Congratulations! You're going to be featured in the next issue of 'Sports Illustrated.' How does your bio read?
" Meet the most nonathletic person alive! Can't be bothered to get off her lazy ass to do anything that might improve her health. Resolutions are pointless because they're never kept; lack of sports will be regretted in the future."
What would yours say?
It reached a high of 9 degrees celsius yesterday and the weather was altogether fantastic! I'm hoping mother nature keeps this up for the next week or so, because I am so sick and tired of winter.
When I came back from my 2-hour walk yesterday (took lots of photos :D ), my mom was outside beaming at what looked like an ordinary patch of dirt. Upon closer inspection, I realized that she was looking at this:

"Come look at the roses!" She said.
...what roses?"Oh, you mean those little buds sticking out of the ground?"
'Ello! It's Dietrich again with an update from my memory stick. Regina recently went on a walk through Rattray Marsh and decided to take me with her. I'd say she had lots of fun; after all, with me around, how can she not? *crickets* Pah. You guys have no sense of humour.
Anyway, here were some of the more interesting things we saw along the way:
(Click for bigger image)

Apparently somebody thought this was Sparta.

Bridge to...? (Any place but Terabithia)

Any suggestions/comments/feedback would be greatly appreciated!
For some reason, I tend to think about the most random things whenever I'm in the bathroom. For example, I was brushing my teeth one morning, and suddenly "baby carrots" popped into my head. I had never thought about it before, but then suddenly an image of a pointy orange baby popped into my head. I wonder if the person who created Cabbage Patch Dolls was thinking the same thing...
= ?It's not just "baby carrots" that sound weird to me, other common nouns such as "earphones" and "dining table" (a table that dines?) also seem strange in my head.
Are there any common nouns that make you say to yourself, "...well, that sounds unusual" ?
Blogger just introduced me to an interesting new project of theirs called plinky, it's basically a website that gives you prompts for when you run out of things to blog about... SO, I decided to give it a try.
Today's prompt was: Are you a handywoman or handyman?
I think I'm decent with tools and such, but I wouldn't call myself a handywoman. I like hammering nails and using electrical equipment to cut stuff because it's stress-relieving (yeah, I'm strange).
However, I'm really klutzy, so I don't think I should really be trusted with tools...
How about you? Are you a handyman/handywoman?
I've done posts in the past where I picked a few people that I interacted with on a daily basis and wrote about them. So here's basically the same thing, except in ten words or less. Because I'm lazy. And not creative. But mostly just lazy.
Contractions count as single words! :P
- Pick something and stick to it, you'll like it eventually.
- I wish I could know you better without seeming creepy.
- I feel awkward around you, our conversations are so pointless.
- You are a mystery that I just can not solve.
- Does anyone know the real you?
- Why can't you be more like *insert name here*?
- I've never met someone who is so dependent on others.
- Grow up, the world does not revolve around you.
- Why don't you trust me?
- You make me happy with your radiance, thanks so much
And because I ran out of people to talk about, one of these is about me. If you guess right you'll get an e-cookie :D