Oh look! Regina's blogging two days in a row? Is it because she
a. loves to write all of a sudden?
b. actually has something important to write down?
c. is bored and avoiding doing work?
If you guessed c, congrats! You get a cookie! (Though not from me, 'cause I don't know how to bake them)
But anyways, today, my mom decided to drag me up at 7:30 in the morning to go shopping with her. And... we found this pair of shoes:

This is (and will be) probably the girliest pair of shoes I will ever own. It's pink, flowery, has heels (only about two inches though, since I fail at walking in high heels), and
sparkles. Maybe it's just me, but I'm kind of scared to wear something this girly in public. It might start screaming "LOOK AT THIS GIRL'S FEET! THEY SPARKLE!"

I went to a surprise party yesterday at a rollerskating rink for a friend who is moving to Hong Kong next year. I've roller-skated once before for about five minutes until I fell and decided to give up; so, needless to say, I was quite nervous to put on a pair of skates. A combination of my awkwardness, lack of experience and poor coordination, I was easily the most challenged person there.
Luckily, the whole event turned out much better than I thought it would have, thanks to my very supportive (literally, I can't count the number of times I
almost fell) boyfriend as well as my friends who grabbed onto me to make sure I didn't fall.
I only fell twice! :D And I'll have two bruises by tomorrow.
Unfortunately, I didn't bring a camera, so I'll post a picture of my awkwardness after everyone puts their photos on Facebook. EDIT: AWKWARD PICTURE OF ME IS UP! I'm the one that's struggling in the yellow top.
So, what has been your experience with rollerskating/rollerblading?
Also, it's Sunday, which means ... Grace In Small Things!
- Singing along to ABBA
- Sand in my toes
- The sound of birds chirping away early in the morning
- The soft squishy texture of Brie cheese
- Knowing that your friends have your back. (Or just knowing that you have friends :P )
- An almost empty movie theatre. Silence is golden.
- Cards with puns or cheesy messages
- A clear blue sky
- Rhyming couplets. Thanks Dr. Seuss
- Singing along to Norah Jones
Also, why has everyone stopped blogging? :( I need more blogs to read; if you know of a good one, let me know!
Wearing the colour yellow.
Now, I love the colour itself because it's just so bright and sunny, but I've always had a fear of wearing yellow because it makes me look hideous. I'm pretty sure the first time I wore something yellow, someone told me that I looked like a banana.
Don't we all have colours that we would never wear? Well, mine is was yellow.
That all sort of changed today. I was shopping for something to wear to a party whose theme was "bright and tight", which was... a bit of a problem because
a. I don't do tight. At all.
b. Or bright.
But alas, I had to find something to wear. After much encouragement from one of the ladies at the store, I tried this on:

And guess what?
It didn't look that bad. AND it was bright and tight!
So there we go, I hope to completely overcome my fear of wearing yellow someday, but this was a significant step for me.
I stumbled across this neat concept first on Chanel's blog, and then was linked to it again on Snark : Grace In Small Things.
From their website:
Grace in Small Things exists because we are choosing not to allow the noisiness of life to rob us of the time and energy to be mindful of ourselves and those we love and to recognize the grace that exists in small things."
One of my resolutions this year was to be more cheerful, so I thought I'd try this out! Of course, I'm way too lazy to do this everyday, so it'll probably be once every week.
- A warm homemade muffin for breakfast
- Giant hailstorm; it took me totally by surprise
- The sun coming out shortly after the storm
- Tylenol cold, so my nose isn't as stuffed up
- Being able to walk barefoot now since it's starting to get warmer
I attended the No Limits Conference today in Toronto; it's coordinated by the association of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. For me, it did a lot more than just provide in-depth information about the CA profession; it opened my eyes to what kind of personality you must have to be successful in that area.
Anyways, accounting doesn't usually interest the general public; what I really wanted to talk about was a question asked by the MC today (who was, by the way, awesome. Go Sunjay!).
Who is the bravest person in history?
Apparently he asks this during every presentation, and the strangest answer that he decided to share with us was some guy who said, "The first guy to try... MILK!"
"Think about it, one day, this guy just said to his buddy, 'hey, see that wild animal over there? See those things hanging from it? Well... I'm going to go over there. And squeeze them. And then, I'll drink whatever comes out of them.'"
Now, I can't really imagine it happening like that, but my point is, someone was creative enough to think of it. (I'm not sure what was influencing them at the time, but that's not important...) And that, I envy.
It's interesting how differently a question can be perceived, and I envy the people who can think outside the box. If I were to answer that question, I would have probably said the first group of people to come to North America from across the ocean.
So, I'd like to ask the same question: Who do you think was the bravest person in history?
Lame title, but I wasn't sure how else I could put it. It's FINALLY getting warmer. It's about time.

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