Especially when the decision involved will plan out the next 4 - 5 years of my life. Right now my thoughts are all jumbled and I'm probably going to sound like an ungrateful brat, but I need to write this down, so here goes:
My parents (more so my mother) have always been there for me, maybe not for much emotional support (they don't seem to be the touchy-feely type), but for school, finances, etc. More often than not, they were the ones that made my decisions for me, because, duh, I was too young to decide to switch schools and stuff. But with a subject like university, MY future is on the line, and MY life should ultimately be MY decision.
They've always been incredibly protective, and they've always been concerned about giving me the best life possible. They've given up so much for me by moving to a whole new country and leaving behind their steady jobs, and I honestly appreciate everything they've done. Honestly. But what I need now more than ever is to think for myself without someone to constantly tell me that I'm wrong and that THEY know what's right for me.
I need this chance to be my own person.
To live life how I want to live it. To make mistakes, and then to learn how to fix them. I don't want security, and as stress-relieving as it is to know how your life will turn out (because that's what they're trying to do; plan out an idiot-proof career for me), I don't want it.
Yes, I do sound like a whiny teenager when I say I wish they'd just back off and let me make my own decisions sometimes, and I know I'll sound like even more of one when I say that my reasons are entirely justified. In the university choosing process, they picked the majority of my choices for me. Before that, they gave me two options: to either go into business or become a doctor (not engineering because "I'm a girl").
They think I'm naive and don't trust me. Today, I told my mom that I was among the first people admitted to Richard Ivey School of Business, and she said, "Oh, are you considering that?" I told her maybe, and she immediately frowned and said "no you're not".
Oh really? I'm not? Then why did I just say that I was?!
My mother first and foremost wants me to become a doctor. (I'm not saying this is the only reason, but her mother stopped her from going to medical school, and she's always regretted listening to her.) Ivey would give me an alternative - business administration, since there is a HIGH chance I won't get into medical school.
However, her problem is that she doesn't think I'll be able to concentrate on school to get the extremely high marks needed for medical school since Nick would be at the same school. She also thinks that the only reason I want to go to that school is because of him. Of course, I realize it's entirely reasonable for her to doubt me, but my problem with her is that after all these years, she still doesn't trust me.
I honestly don't know what I can do to convince her that I want to go to school because of the SCHOOL. Yes, my average did drop from grade 11 to 12, but that's because I felt there was a significant leap in curriculum and the quantity of projects.
I know that I can defy them and go my own way, but I guess what I'm trying to say here is that for ONCE, I'd like to do something for myself without disappointing them.
I'm afraid to disappoint people, and right now I'm so lost that I wish I could just curl into a ball and disappear. Anything to not face this decision right now.
TL; DR: I'm angry because my parents won't let me make my own decisions about university.
But I know who's trying to kill me.
"Regina, you are paranoid."
Yes, but let me explain. Every year the seniors at my school play a game called "Assassin". You get the name of someone you have to assassinate, and when you kill that person, you have to assassinate the person they were given, and so on and so forth.
How do you "kill" someone?
You have to get them all alone, OR when no one else can hear you. And you tell them that they've been assassinated. Whispering it in their ear is very cheap, so you should say it in a normal tone of voice.
It's actually quite exciting, and I killed my first victim two days ago. Now the next one is going to be tricky, especially because he's already "dead".
Yes, student council screwed up and gave two people the same person to kill. So I'm not really sure what to do now... except wait for them to fix the mistake.
At this moment, my asssassin is waiting for me outside in the atrium... and he just sent one of his buddies to tell me to go out because Nick wants to tell me something in the atrium.
Not. Going. To. Work. I'm hiding in the library right now because it's a safe zone, and I'm not going to go out until school is over and there are a bunch of people out there in the halls.
Anyways, aside from that, I'm going skiing this weekend with Nick and his family! This will be my third time skiing, ever(!), so let's hope I don't come back blue and green all over! :)
Have a good weekend everyone!
Today is the last day of March Break week, and I'm not ready to go back to school. Boo. Here's a list of what I did:
- Added 2 new pages to this blog, since Blogger lets you do that now. I added an "about me" page and a "blogs I read" page --> Links are in the sidebar.
- Finally watched Avatar. It was great; you can't go wrong with that storyline. I didn't think it was as awesome as everyone hyped it up to be, but it was an enjoyable experience. I also discovered that I get incredibly nauseous when watching action shots in 3D. Wearing 3D glasses on top of regular glasses is pretty uncomfortable too, but I got used to it.
- Played piano like crazy.
- Planned out some hotel details for my summer trip to France with Nick. So excited!
- Went shopping and tried on some dresses for prom. Nick and I also bought each other 1 year anniversary presents. :)
If you are still in school, do you get a break in March? If so, what did you do?
On the note of prom dresses, some people have already purchased theirs, which in my opinion is slightly ridiculous since the event itself is
4 months away! Having said that, I think my friends can tell you that I've been looking at prom dresses online since September (just to get an idea of what I like)... But I didn't go out and try them on until today!
I also proved today that you don't know what looks good unless you try it on. I had been set on buying an A-line dress or an empire waist, but it turns out those just make me look pregnant. Instead, I looked better in the dresses that I had previously deemed too "tight" (probably because the girls modeling the dresses were in very... erm, suggestive positions). I didn't look like a skank! :D
My friends will also tell you that I'm very worried about my hair. I'm not sure what would look good for my face and hair type: I have a heart shaped face and black straight hair that goes down past my shoulders (picture in sidebar).
Any suggestions?
I also wouldn't mind suggestions/past-experience-sharing from people who have attended prom. What was yours like? How did you get ready for it?
I've been wanting to get a pair of knee-high boots all winter, and two weeks ago I found the perfect pair. They're not knee-highs, but that's okay:
They're from Nine West during their 25% off sale, I bought the last pair. :) These boots are great for me since walking to and from classes would be difficult with high heels.
After 18 days of Olympic games, I have decided that this year's Olympics are like books: you shouldn't judge it by its cover.
"Regina, you are on drugs."
I have a valid reason! See, the opening and closing ceremonies are like the cover, and I think we can all agree that they weren't the greatest. Just like if you were to go to a bookstore to get a book, you would be put off by something that had a cover that looked like this:

However, you'd be
more likely to read something that looked like this (not considering the fact that these are in fact two great novels, content-wise):

Having said that, you'd also be more likely to read something by an author you like, or on a subject you like. And that's where the comparison comes in. The Olympics have an incredibly long history and is usually applauded throughout the world. It bring out a great energy in people; it brings out the best in the athletes; it is a way of connecting entire countries, and it's also entertaining to watch! I think that this is the first time that I've been interested in the winter olympics, and I thought the games themselves were great.
However, the opening and closing ceremonies bothered me. I won't get into the details, but I will mention that the closing ceremonies involved
plastic blown-up moose prancing in the sky and bands like
Nickelback and
Simple Plan.
In all, I don't think the "covers" of the olympics were a good representation of the games themselves. All things considered, this olympics will still be very memorable to all Canadians... as well as the Americans in particular.
We're sorry we won!