Dear Home Depot,
I’d just like to say thank you for confusing me out of my mind on Saturday. Who knew that when I walked in to find a simple door hinge and dowel, I’d be lectured by “Dwight” (who is always eager to help by the way) for about half an hour? All my group needed were some simple tools to build our mini catapult, and we certainly didn’t need to be laughed at for the fact that we hadn’t done the math before we came to get materials. It’s obviously not our fault if our teacher told us to draw the graphs and make calculations AFTER we had built our catapult. Well, thanks to “Dwight”, we now know about the elasticity of our hands and how it’s different from the strength of a 2″ by 4″ (?) Thank you so much for wasting 30 minutes of my time; I clearly had lots of it this weekend since I had to do 3 projects. Also, maybe tell “Dwight” to be less “helpful” and to stop targeting high school kids that would just like to do their projects in peace.
Another thing that I’d like to point out: It took me ten minutes to find hinges, and another five to find bungee chords. As much as I love this place, I do not like walking around for 10 minutes trying to locate a small object in your 500+ aisles. I get enough exercise, kthxbi. (Okay, that was a lie, I totally don’t get enough exercise, but that’s not the point)
A very annoyed and tired,
Yay for finishing the catapult in only 6 hours! The good news is, it's consistent and very powerful every time.
I hate being sick. I felt completely fine yesterday, and then right before I went to bed, I suddenly got a massive headache. And *BAM*, I had a fever. I didn’t go to school today, we’ll see if I’ll be good for tomorrow. I missed quite a lot today though: a science presentation (which I will have to do tomorrow), a film in English class (Finding Forrester), and a math quiz. Tomorrow will be quite annoying since I have to explain to each of my teachers why I wasn’t there. So today I basically just stayed home and slept…
Well, not really, I made a new layout for
Yep, I've got a fever.
I'm supposed to do a presentation for Science today, but screw that. I'm feeling way too nauseous to do anything today.
Oh, and my dad brought home a rubix cube. WTF was he thinking?
"Here you go Regina, so you can waste the rest of your life trying to figure out how to solve this damn cube."
Right. Thanks dad.
Guess I better to get medication, and then sleep...
Yes, sleep, even though I just woke up.
I hate grade 10 science. In general I had a very bad and busy week… so be prepared for this rant.
I am totally pissed off and angry at science because:
1. We have four units and only one is exciting to me: Chemistry. The others (which I will get to) are either a) impossible for me to understand, or b) a snooze.
2. We’re getting marked on our weather predictions. How the hell do you give a mark to a prediction?
“You predicted wrong! It’s supposed to rain tomorrow!“
“But… how do YOU know your prediction is right?”
“You have to look at all the information given to you!”
“… I did.”
“Well, you’re still wrong!”
3. I can’t get the hang of weather because it is, as our teacher continuously reminds us, UNPREDICTABLE.
4. I feel that he doesn’t explain everything clearly enough; I’m kind of dim so I need time to figure things out to fully understand them.
5. When will we ever say to someone “Because of the polar air mass coming from the north and the low pressure system, tomorrow will be quite cold” ? Can’t we just say “Watch the weather network” ? Meteorologists are paid to tell us what’s going to happen tomorrow, we really don’t need to figure things out by ourselves! Sure it makes us seem smarter, but again, weather is unpredictable, and the weatherman probably knows more about his profession than us.
6. Physics is “magic”. Which means that our teacher isn’t too keen on the topic himself, which means I’ll have to do a lot more learning by myself.
7. Weather
8. Weather
9. Weather
10. Can you guess?