Thursday, December 31, 2009

Hello New Decade

This is the last post of 2009, so it will be extra sappy and nostalgic.

Oh man, it feels like it was the beginning of 2009 just yesterday. So many wonderful things happened this year, like Model United Nations, meeting Dietrich, getting my first boyfriend, visiting New York City with my fellow band dorks.

Oh, and I also turned 17!

Despite my own happiness, I am constantly reminded that not everyone is as lucky as I am to have such a great life. So, what am I going to do about this? To be honest, probably nothing at the moment. Like most others, I'll probably just go on with my life, donate some food and clothing once in a while, nothing monumental. Hopefully, one day when I'm older, I'll be able to give back to the world from which I have taken so much.

For now, I'll just concentrate on making myself a better person. You probably don't recall this (hell, even I forgot), but I had two resolutions for 2009: smile more, and be less shy. I'm proud to say that I have done my best to accomplish those two goals, and yes, I have smiled more and have been more outgoing. I don't think I've been asked "What's wrong" as often, and I have made a conscientious effort to get to know people better.

The goals I had for 2009 can never be fully achieved in my case; I feel that I will always have the opportunity to smile more, and be more social. Therefore, they will remain long term goals. My goals for 2010 are more short term, and they are:

1. Go to bed earlier, preferably before 11:30pm every night.

2. Get into a good university by working hard for a high average.

With that, I wish everyone the best of luck in the upcoming year! Wherever you are tonight, remember that there are 6.7 billion others that are celebrating the same event. Happy new year everyone :)


Saturday, December 26, 2009

The Day of Boxes

Not going shopping this Boxing day since my parents took our relatives from China to downtown Toronto. Ah well... so what did I do?

Naturally... I took out the camera and started taking pictures of myself with my new Armani glasses.

I love them, can't you tell? :P

How do you normally spend your Boxing day?


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

T'was the night before Christmas
and - Bah, I hate poetry.
Also, I'd like to mention
That we don't have a Christmas tree.

Screw political correctness, Merry Christmas everyone! I hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable holiday!


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Simplicity Wins

Filed Under:

The first time I tried making a cheesecake, it was a disaster because

a. I was a noob
b. I listened to my mother, who told me to put in an extra egg which made the batter even runnier.

In the end that cheesecake didn't hold up and basically tumbled everywhere.

However, this time, Regina, the baking failure succeeded! *APPLAUSE* I knelt beside the oven for about an hour to make sure that a disaster wouldn't occur.  I also left out the blueberry topping because I was too lazy to make it.  But the end result was much better than what I had hoped for! 

I got the recipe from here, it's pretty easy to make!

Feel free to give me any baking suggestions, I'm incredibly challenged at baking so all advice is welcomed!


Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Day of School!

... until I have to go back in January, that is.
Let's see, what are my plans for the Christmas break?

  • Biology - endangered species project
  • Economics - prepare for debate! Socialism!
  • English - summative task, again, I have to make a presentation
  • Study study study
  • Take the occasional break
  • Watch cheesy Christmas movies with friends and boyfriend. :)

So, yes, I'll have loads of fun!

What are you plans for Chris- sorry, winter festivities? :)


Friday, December 11, 2009


Twitter accounts are extremely common nowadays; virtually everyone has one. I, however, have not yet jumped on the bandwagon. Why?

1. I don't want to let people know what I'm doing every second of the day

2. I don't want to know what other people are doing every second of the day

3. I don't want people "following" me. *looks around suspiciously*

But Regina, you can set your profile to "private"

Yes, but I'm paranoid, okay? I also don't want to know what my ~fav celebrities~ are doing, or what X, Y, or Z ate that morning. All this stuff can be done on things like forums, and by using status updates on a social network.

But Regina, Twitter IS the new Facebook!

I don't like Facebook either. But I have it. Yes, it's hypocritical, but it's the only way I can contact some people. See, I feel it's okay to have a Twitter account if all your friends have it and it's the ONLY way to contact them. However, if all your friends have Myspace, MSN, Email, Facebook... do you REALLY need to converse with them on multiple networks at the same time?

Okay, you can all yell at me for disliking Twitter now.

Do you have Twitter? If so, what do you use it for?