Friday, April 24, 2009
I Love New York
(Click for a better image)
My trip to New York City was absolutely amazing. The weather was great, and I really needed a change of atmosphere. I loved the bright lights in Time Square that made me forget it was night time; the beauty and calmness of Central Park; and the bustling streets during the day.

One of the highlights of the trip was definitely visiting Central Park. I found it incredible that amidst the busy and crowded city, there was a place where people can just relax and get away from everything. As we walked more towards the centre of the park, the outside noise disappeared completely. Sound engineering ftw!

I could have honestly stayed at the New York Public Library all day if I had the time, because it was just that incredible. Guarded by two marble lions named 'Patience' and 'Fortitude' (surprisingly, I didn't take any photos of them), it's yet another peaceful and quiet place in this busy city.
This was the best trip that I've taken in a long time, and now it's back to school and the same routine every. single. day. I uploaded some more photos (the ones that turned out slightly better than the rest... since my camera skills are teh suck) onto my dA account. (No, I will not get a Flickr account; I have way too many accounts to keep track of already. :P )