Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I went to Detroit with Shiying and her family this weekend, the main reason being that she had an extra ticket to an Offspring concert and nobody else to go with her. Now, to put it quite bluntly, I don't listen to the Offspring. At all. The dude just can't sing. But I thought, "ah, what the heck. I don't have anything better to do anyways."

...have you ever agreed to do something you thought would be mediocre, only to realize in the middle of it that you were having an amazing time?

Well, the concert freaking rocked.

First on was a band called Time Again. They were... energetic. Nobody really stood up and sang along or anything because most people were here for the next two bands. Still, they were amusing to listen to. Not my kind of music, but that's okay.

Next up were the Dropkick Murphys. Wooooooww. Here's a picture of their backdrop:

Is that sick, or is that sick? This is the first band I've heard of that combined Celtic folk stuff with punk rock, and it was really, really awesome.

Lastly, the Offspring. At the point, we decided to get out of our seats and head down to the stage area. We were literally a metre away from the stage, and my ears died that night. But, I've gotta say, although I don't like their music, the Offspring are amazing performers. Not to mention the lead guitarist's name is Noodles:
It's Noodles!

However, being a metre away from the stage always means being in the same area with the drunken and sweaty guys who are trying to get everyone to mosh but failing due to the fact that there are SEATS nailed to the ground. (In the end, one guy actually tore one off...)

We also wandered around on the streets of downtown Detroit. On four separate occasions, random guys asked us to take pictures of them. It seems downtown is just overrun with these kind of people, because other than them, there was practically nobody on the streets. One of those people asked us to give him a call. He did this while talking to someone on his cellphone. -facepalm-

The next day, we did what we do best. Shopping. At the biggest outlet mall I've ever been to. Being the nerd that I am, I spent a great deal of time in Borders, but still managed to get a few nice pieces of clothing.

All in all, this was a pretty fun trip! I can't say Detroit would be my first pick for a vacation destination, but it was better than I thought it would be! To conclude this excessively long post, here's a picture of me and Shiying being crazy as usual:

I'm the crazier one.

It's hard to take self portraits with a huge-ass DSLR camera.


Grace In Small Things #6

Filed Under:

  1. Getting letters, regardless of their lengths :)

  2. Rain, rain, rain

  3. Being able to vegetate all day and not worry about school

  4. Outlet malls.

  5. Watching Pixar/Dreamworks movies :)


Sunday, June 21, 2009

Coughing Up A Storm

Filed Under:

Yes, I am sick. Again.

I always get sick during exam time, which isn't good since I have three left to do. During these weeks, I get so stressed out that my immune system basically just goes, "Okay, bye!" and leaves me to fend off those nasty bugs by myself.

*Sigh* I need to go get more Kleenex.

Any suggestions on how to relieve stress?


Sunday, June 14, 2009

How Outgoing Are You? - Regina evaluates herself

"You are 36% outgoing! Now send this result to all your friends!" ...no, this isn't another Facebook quiz...but man those things are addicting. Did you know that I was secretly a Shao-lin monk? Neither did I. Anyways, remember my New Year's resolutions? I only had two this year, and they were to smile more and become less shy. It's been half a year already, so I thought I'd evaluate myself.

Smiling more
...I'll really have to ask my friends about this one, but in my own opinion, I've been smiling a lot more lately. Since the beginning of February, there has been a little voice at the back of my head that says 'pull up the corners of your mouth!' whenever I forget. Strangely, I find that this forced smiling actually brightens my mood! In addition to that, I've also been a lot happier since January because of certain people in my life :P . Goodbye high school drama! Regina is done with you forevarrr! Well, hopefully, I really don't want to have a repeat of last year again... and no, it's too stupid/ridiculous to post on the interwebz.

But anyways, I think I've been successful so far with this resolution, so I'll give myself half a check mark for that one!

Oh! You know what else makes me smile? MLIG, it's like the equivalent of watching chick flicks, for people (namely, me) who don't like chick flicks!

Becoming less shy
Still workin' on it. Needless to say, I'm less shy around my friends because, well, they're my FRIENDS. But in the past six months, I think I've gotten better at talking to random people. K, no, I don't go up to strangers on the street and ask them how they're doing (although, that would be an interesting experiment...), but I'm actually waving to people in the hallways now! In addition to that, I burst out into song at random times of the day. It's like my brain suddenly decided that it didn't CARE if it was embarrassed in public! This might be a bit embarrassing for my friends... but they'll have to deal with it. :P

...and that's a VERY liberating feeling.

So, in all, I think I still have a along way to go, but I'm going to keep working on it. You'll see, one day, I'll run down the streets of Toronto screaming "I LOVE EVERYBODY!!!!"

Did you set any resolutions? If so, which ones have you achieved?


Grace In Small Things #5

Filed Under:

I can't believe I forgot to do this last week. *headdesk*

  1. Soaking in the sun during lunch

  2. Finally being able to wear shorts! Yay summer!

  3. Reading and relaxing on a nice Sunday afternoon

  4. Ice cream, omnomnom

  5. The fact that there are only two more weeks of school left


Saturday, June 13, 2009


Filed Under:

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reason my boyfriend is better than yours.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Esprit Lifts My Esprit

Filed Under:

I figured it's time to discuss my obsession: Esprit.

No, I don't spend all my time on their website. Yes, I do go into every Esprit store I see. No, I don't buy everything I try on. Yes, I love the majority of their clothing. And yes, this is my absolute most favourite store in the whole wide world.

...other than Chapters, but we're strictly talking about clothing today.

Now, I'm going to do something I don't normally do, and that is gush about fabric. OH MY GOODNESS they have the cutest clothes ever. They're almost all made of 100% cotton, so they're very comfortable; they're durable; and most importantly, they're classics that you can mix and match.

Here are some of my favourites that I decided to incorporate into different outfits (yes, I am putting off homework):

As you can see, the clothes aren't overly revealing, fancy, or grungy. They're designed for everyday people, but again, they're SO CUTE. Also, while browsing their online stores today, I realized that the UK stores have much nicer things than the US... I might just have to take a trip there someday. :P

How about you? Are there any stores that you absolutely LOVE and must always go into?


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Busy ^10

Filed Under:

The next three weeks are going to be the busiest weeks of the entire year for me. *Gets out my planner, which I can't live without* I have (in this order) :

  1. Chemistry in-class RAT (Rich Assessment Task) for three days

  2. An informational meeting for DECA

  3. Chemistry unit test. But it's on hydrocarbons, so it doesn't really count.

  4. Accounting test

  5. Math in-class RAT

  6. Physics in-class RAT for two days

  7. Exams, exams, exams.

  8. More exams.

  9. Exam review day. Ack, do not wantz.

  10. Hanging out with friends

  11. Birthday party

  12. Driving, driving, driving.

  13. Driving test.

  14. China!

Holy mother of pearl...

But man, I love being busy.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I Haz Idea?

Filed Under:

I was sitting in math class, doodling in my agenda while the teacher took up review questions... *starts dozing off*

That led me to accidentally draw a curved backwards S-shaped line, which then led to the creation of these:

They're kittyvases! (I hope no one has thought of these yet...) I rarely get actual creative ideas, but this was one of them. Personally, I think they're quite cute. :) C'mon, who doesn't love kitties?

I guess math is innovative... in an odd way. Have you ever made anything awesome purely by accident?