Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Busy as a bee

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February is quite the busy month. Here’s a list of dates and stuff that I have to do the following week:

Feb.14 - Valentine’s Day, okay, I don’t really do much on that day and it IS my least favourite holiday. But still, all sorts of PDIs will be around in the hallways and near lockers…how will I survive? *drops onto knees and looks up at the sky while raising my hands to my head*

Feb.15 - Flag Day! It’s time to celebrate the birth of Canada’s flag, you know, the one with the cute maple leaf on it.

Feb.18 - Family Day. I love this new holiday since we don’t have to go to school on Monday.

Feb.19 - Waterloo mathematics contest. Yes, I’m a nerd, movin’ on…

Feb.21 - The Golden Horseshoe school band competition. I hate my life.

Also, course selection deadlines are next week, and I haven’t picked my courses yet. I have six that I am definitely taking: English, math, biology, chemistry, physics, French, but I need two more courses. I want to take world history as well, but I need an easy course so that my brain doesn’t explode next year.


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