Friday, January 30, 2009

Clothes vs. Books

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Also titled: Yes, I am a dork, why do you ask? :P

If I could spend an entire day buying clothes OR buying books, I'd probably choose the latter. Don't get me wrong, I love shopping for clothing, but I could never spend 5 hours at a clothing store the way I can at a book store. (Plus, book stores usually have really awesome stationery :P )

Here are some reasons why I like buying books more than clothes:

  • Books can be reread dozens of times, and if you're like me, then the plot never really gets boring for you if the book is genuinely good. Unlike books, clothing gets old fast.

  • With age, good books become classics while clothes become ... rags?

  • In relation to the previous point, GOOD books have the ability to transport you to any time period. If you read a book from the seventies (with the exception of books by Judy Blume), it'll feel like you're actually there - experiencing what the characters are experiencing. In comparison, if you wear a piece of clothing from the seventies... let's just say nothing from that decade should ever make a comeback.

Like I said before, I do enjoy clothes shopping, but I prefer going to a book store rather than the nearest clothing store. How about you, clothes or books?


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Day At Home

After a pretty stressful semester and four exams, I can finally rest today because I DON'T HAVE TO BE ANYWHERE! As much as I love being busy, having a quiet day to myself at home is really nice after all that chaos.

So I actually decided to make myself breakfast this morning (yes, I eat a lot) :

This was awesome since I haven't had breakfast in ages. And yes, the red blob is ketchup. I'll definitely be fuelled up to tackle the snow later:

Oh joy...

What do you usually eat for breakfast?


Sunday, January 25, 2009

If I Wanted To Skate, I’d Go To A Rink

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I was just walking down my street to go get the mail, you know, everyday ordinary stuff. It doesn't take very long, but it took me 5 minutes today just to get to the mailbox. Why? Because my idiotic neighbours didn't shovel their part of the sidewalk, hence why it turned into a long strip of ice. This wouldn't be as much of a problem if the snow hadn't melted and then froze again, but it's Canada.

The first thing I thought was, "Oh crap, my boots have no grip, how am I supposed to get the mail now?" And so I shuffled across the ice, completely ignoring the people in the cars driving by that were snickering to themselves.

No, I did not fall.

And this brings me to my point: Being a part of any neighbourhood means doing your part to keep this community safe. Elders and children walk up and down these streets everyday, so I think everyone should make sure their part of the sidewalk is easily accessible.

It's not like I was an idiot who was wearing sandals in the winter; I was wearing proper boots and STILL found it hard to walk across the ice... now there's a surprise. If I wanted to slide across a sheet of ice, I'd go to a rink where there would be people to help me when I fall and/or get injured.

It doesn't MATTER if you get driven everywhere; not everyone drives and people need to start being more considerate. The funny thing is, my neighbours have two little girls who play outside all the time. Wouldn't they want their children to be safe and, you know, NOT fall flat on their faces?

And although the sidewalk gets shovelled occasionally by those sidewalk-shoveling cars, it is ultimately YOUR responsibility to make sure your part of the sidewalk is clean enough for others to walk on.

I honestly hope that these people fall on their own sidewalk.

tl;dr - People should shovel their sidewalks so others don't fall and get injured.


Friday, January 23, 2009

It's Exam Week

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Hooray, this means I am completely devoid of these things for at least a week:

a. a social life - who has time for friends when you have loads of review?

b. enough sleep - although this wasn't the case this year because I fell asleep at 8pm, and as a result, didn't study!

c. fashion sense - thick baggy sweaters ftw, I do not want my hands getting cold during an exam.

Here's my exam schedule:

Thursday, Jan. 22 : English - done, much easier than I expected it to be.

Friday, Jan. 23 : Biology - done, easier than I thought it would be, but not as easy as I would have liked it to be. :P

Monday, Jan. 26 : Math - My teacher gave us at least 15 pages of review to do, I think I'll be fine.

Tuesday, Jan. 27 : French - We're allowed to bring a dictionary and a Bescherelle, and the teacher gave us the essay topic already, so clearly there isn't a point to this exam at all.

I'm going to prepare for math by (duh) doing the review sheets, and I don't know how I can study for French, but I'll probably end up spending three hours reviewing the different novels and works we covered.

If you also have exams at this time of year, good luck to you!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Zombie invasion?

Last night, I had a dream (shocking, I know). And usually, I always forget my dreams, but this one was so weird, yet hilarious, that I forced myself to remember it just so I could write it down. And it went a little something like this:

I was in school, and all of a sudden, there was a giant explosion. I, for some reason, then decided to go for a stroll amidst the explosion and somehow ended up in the forest behind my school. I love dreams, for the sole reason that I can FLY in them. So, that's what I decided to do next; I flew above the city and noticed that there were (yes, you guessed it) ZOMBIES everywhere! So then I flew back to the school (which by this time had turned into a secret underground lab/lair, strangely enough, some of my friends were in there playing Rock Band...) to get weapons to destroy these zombies.

Have I mentioned that I love to fly in my dreams? Well, the only thing that beats that is flying AND killing zombies at the same time. There's me, stealthily popping out from behind a giant tree and --- okay, I won't go into details.

At last, we were down to only one zombie (obviously the most powerful one). It was up to me to find it. I approached it from behind (quite stealthily of course), and it conveniently turned around. IT WAS KATY PERRY IN ZOMBIE FORM (actually, she just looked the same...)!

And that's when I woke up, laughing.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

Spreading Some Cuteness

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It's Hector! This is Hector the rabbit, he looks kind of soulless, but that's only due to my poor bunny-drawing skills. Trust me, he does have a soul, and a carrot.

Anyways, this is my contribution to the Draw A Bunny meme, and I think you should participate too! There are so many depressing things going on right now that I think we all need some joy in our lives. And drawing bunnies are the best way to go! :D


Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Things I Know (about myself and the world)

Filed Under:

About Myself:

1. I hold grudges (but then again, which girl doesn't?)

2. I'm terrible at interpreting hidden/subliminal messages. Oh, and sarcasm.

3. I'm afraid of letting others down.

4. As a result of number 3, I basically have an inability to say no.

5. I'm very self-critical, so when I say I did something badly, I mean it.

About The World:

1. Fairness has nothing to do with anything.

... that pretty much sums up everything.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

5 Songs That You Wouldn’t Expect On My iPod

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C’mon, don’t tell me you don’t secretly feel guilty about having certain songs on your iPod.  There’s gotta be at least one song that makes you go, “I hope my friends don’t find out I listen to THIS.”  And if “this” is Miley Cyrus, please dunk your head in a sink of cold water and then slap yourself across the face a few times.  Anyway, the songs below aren’t ones that I’m necessary “ashamed” of, but if my friends scrolled through my playlists, they’d certainly be shocked that I have these (even though most of them know that I have some pretty strange stuff on my iPod). I tried to include as many genres as possible. Now, why didn't I add a classical piece? Simple, because my real friends know I'm a not-so-secret Mozart and Chopin fan girl.

5. DotA - Basshunter
Okay, I LOVE techno, but most people don't know that. This song is just so catchy, even though I had to Google the lyrics to find out what he was singing about. The only reason this is on the list is because of those lyrics, because this song is actually about dotA, or "Defence of the Ancients", which is related to Warcraft III. Don't ask me how, just wiki it. And yes, I consider Warcraft very, VERY lame.

4. Forever - Chris Brown
Hip-hop, Regina? Really? Yes, this is probably one of the only mainstream songs I like. Why? Because of this line: "All you've gotta do is watch me/ look what I can do with my feet." What can you do with your feet (other than dance), Chris Brown? (Youtube wouldn't let me post the actual music video, so if you really want to, look it up on Youtube because it's so entertaining.)

3. Christmas Don't Be Late - Alvin And The Chipmunks
This is such a classic, and my Christmas wouldn't be complete without it. Chipmunks, squeaky voices, need I say more? Actually, I probably should. Maybe the reason I like this is because I miss my childhood, or maybe I just like to hear what people sound like on helium. Either way, this song makes me happy/want a hoola hoop.

2. Underwater Friends - Dethklok, yeah.

1. You're Gonna Miss This - Trace Adkins
Yes, I know this is by the same man who sang the atrocity known as "Honky Tonk Badonkadonk", but for some reason this song really speaks to me. I guess it's because this song reminds me that we all have to grow up some day. And yeah, I'm gonna miss it. :( Did I mention that he came second on The Apprentice?

So, do you have any songs that are completely out of your character? 'Fess up. :P


Friday, January 9, 2009

Why Do I Feel Cold All The Time?

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My body temperature is always below normal and my hands are always freezing. Sure, I can blame all of that on the fact that it's winter here in Canada, but I think I'm the only one with constantly cold hands. When I go to reach for something in my fridge, it feels WARM compared to my hands.

And suddenly, I had an epiphany: it's because deep down, I'm a mean and cold-hearted bitch. :P


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

My Dream Room

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I've always liked to design rooms; I don't know why, I just love arranging furniture and stuff like that. So I thought I'd draw out how I'd want my bedroom to look like given to chance to decorate with infinite supplies.

  1. Books (my favourite ones probably, for easy access) would go into these shelves that would be built into the wall right above my bed.

  2. A little reading light that can be twisted and moved around.

  3. More bookshelves; again, they're built into the walls (I'm starting to see a pattern here. :P )

  4. Drawers... built into the walls, for random stuff. (Probably more books. But those would be the ones that I don't want to read.)

  5. Ceiling lights, and again, they're in holes in the ceiling because I hate it when anything sticks out of walls awkwardly.

  6. This is my favourite part of the room: they're giant clock hands on the ceiling, so that when I wake up in the morning, all I have to do is stare up to know what time it is.

  7. Area rug, self-explanatory.

  8. Night table. Guess what? You can put books (the books I'm currently reading would go here) on top of it and store more junk inside too.

Now let's look at the other side of the room!

  1. Beanbag chairs

  2. A painting of some sort. I'd probably attempt to draw something and hang it right there.

  3. A table... you can store stuff in the bottom compartments! (Why yes, I do love storage, why do you ask?)

  4. Pod chair. 'Nuff said.

  5. Shelves for CDs

  6. Magnetic board for memos and notes, because I hate how pins make tiny holes in the papers you're trying to pin onto the cork boards.

For the colour scheme, I'm thinking really dark (either dark brown or black) walls, with pops of neon colours in the accessories (pillows, paintings, chairs, etc). Now that I've shared what my dream room looks like, how about yours? What does the room you've always wanted look like?


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Put on your safety goggles

I've always wanted to go to Italy because I'm very interested in their culture because, hey, it produced guys like Leonardo Da Vinci, Raphael, and Ferrari(NOT related to the car). And I've always wondered what real Italian food tastes like, even though I'm not big on pasta.

Also, I really like cheese and I've heard that Italy has good cheeses, but after reading this article about casu marzu, I will never look at cheese the same way again.

I can just imagine the thought process the man/woman had when he/she first invented casu marzu:

"I totally hate the people that my spouse invited over for dinner... let's see how they deal with flying maggots. *evil cackle*"

...those poor guests.

Or maybe they made it to torture the foreigners.

Is normal cheese not good enough for these people that they have to infest their cheese with cheese-skipper larvae?! And guess what? You have to eat it when they're all still alive because it's considered toxic after they're dead. Also, these things can JUMP, so you'll need to wear goggles. Imagine having this at a romantic dinner.

"Mmm, this cheese goes so well with the flatbread and red wine... if only these little maggots would stop trying to rip my eyes out."

"Here honey, I brought an extra pair of safety goggles just for you."

"Oh you're so thoughtful, this is why I love you."

Thank goodness casu marzu is illegal, however, there are other cheeses in Europe with fly larvae. Eep. Now every time I look at a Brie wheel all I'll be able to think about are maggots.


Saturday, January 3, 2009

A List, Because I Am Lazy

Filed Under:

  1. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now *glances at the huge stack of books sitting on the desk*, but as usual, I'm totally ignoring it.

  2. That's because I don't particularly CARE why William Butler Yeats was such a great poet.

  3. My homework schedule (yes, I do make plans; however, sticking to them is another story) for this week got completely messed up because of all the family/friends that have come over. Currently, a cousin (so I've been told) and his friend are here on vacation from Seattle and they'll be staying until tomorrow evening... I think.

  4. Who the heck goes to visit Niagara Falls in the winter?? It's COOOOOLD.

  5. Said cousin works for Microsoft and is apparently making lots of money, and I've been getting endless lectures on the importance of picking a good career and listening to my parents' advice. *headdesk*

  6. I will not go to U of T dammit.

  7. And I am not looking forward to going back to school on Monday. :(


Friday, January 2, 2009

I heart Wordle

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Wordle is so amusing. In fact, I spent about an hour today just browsing through all the different fonts and stuff they have available, even though I was supposed to be working on a French essay on Claude Debussy. Wordle also makes you realize just how tiny your vocabulary is; "like" and "good" are two of my most used words. Complete and utter Fail.

Eep, I should probably go finish that essay, since it's not going to do itself... (though I wish it would)

Maybe I'll go on Digg...

Yes, I am a huge procrastinator. :\