Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Quick Update From China

I managed to get on the interwebz from my uncle's computer, therefore I thought I'd post what I've done so far:

-Shopping, shopping shopping. I'll post pictures of the things I bought (and there are a LOT) once I get back to Canada.

-Visiting my grandpa in the hospital almost everyday. He's doing a lot better nowadays. When I first walked in, he didn't immediately recognize me, but when he did, he started to cry. :(

-Was forced to get two moles removed by my family by laser surgery. Apparently they grew in a bad place and had to be removed... now I have two holes in my face.

-Bummed around and watched pirated DVDs. I managed to get all the seasons of House for 15 RMB, which is $2.50 Canadian. :P

That's all for now, hope you're all enjoying your summers! It's not boiling hot in China right now, surprisingly, today's high is only 28 degrees Celsius!


5 comments so far.

  1. Manda on July 28, 2009 at 11:46 PM

    I am jeaaaaaaalous of all of your shopping! I can't remember the last time I got a seriously good haul when I went shopping :(

  2. Marbles on July 29, 2009 at 11:49 PM

    OMG come home, life is boring i need someone to rant at.

    Also hope your face gets better. lol

  3. Amanda on July 30, 2009 at 11:07 AM

    I'm imagining two holes in your face. Like, actual holes, going right through your head.

    ...I'm weird.

    Sounds like you're having a great time though!

  4. Dayna on August 6, 2009 at 2:43 AM

    Whoo, shopping. I'm looking forward to your shopping loots. I'm heading over to Hong Kong for a round of shopping as well. Don't we all love to shop? ;)

  5. Crystal on August 16, 2009 at 6:28 PM

    Haha I love how China trips always have so much in common. Reading yours was like reading my own from last year. I know what you mean about the laser surgery. They cost like 5 RMB each for the small ones eh? Haha.

Something to say?