Monday, April 5, 2010

Butthurt But Still Awesome

No worries, I wasn't butthurt as a result of internet dramaz. My butt was, however, quite sore from falling so much last week.

But Regina, why would you choose to fall when you can NOT fall?

Well, because I was trying to ski. And I was ultimate FAILSAUCE.

Nick's family graciously invited me to go skiing with them last weekend, and it was really fun! (Except for the falling bit, obviously). Last Saturday was also Earth Hour day, so we ended up sitting around the kitchen table playing Apples To Apples, which is a really fun game.

Here are some pictures. Fortunately, there aren't any embarrassing ones of me in skiing gear.

Before we left

Milo, such a beautiful cat

The Easter eggs we painted two weeks ago. Mine are the one with the duck and the one with the flower/stem thingy.

Nick's mom made an anniversary cake for us, it was very yummy. (That's not a bullet through the heart by the way, it used to be a candle)

Playing Apples to Apples

Milo again. I had to put this one up because he just looks so FIERCE.

Also, Happy Easter!
Do you celebrate Easter? If so, what do you do? 


8 comments so far.

  1. Emsz on April 5, 2010 at 3:27 PM

    I ate a lot of things that are bad for me, including loads of chocolate eggs :P
    That's basically all I do for Easter :P

  2. Bubs on April 5, 2010 at 4:35 PM

    I didn't get a chance to paint eggs this year :( Yours look great though!

    I thought the cake was a heart shaped steak at first XD

  3. Marbles on April 6, 2010 at 8:10 PM

    lol milo looks like my old cat caesar! almost exactly like him.

    I eat bad things on easter, and as you know the day after easter.

  4. Kristin on April 7, 2010 at 10:42 AM

    Milo looks almost identical to Shawn's cat Rupert. So handsome!!

    Lucky you got to paint eggs this year. I haven't even SEEN one up close this year!

  5. Kathleen on April 8, 2010 at 1:49 PM

    Waw. Milo is a beautiful cat. Is he a pedigree cat?

  6. Manda on April 10, 2010 at 12:20 PM

    Your comment about the bullet in the heart cake made me LOL :P

    That cat is adorable :D

  7. Latrina on April 11, 2010 at 12:39 AM

    Haha, aww. I love you Easter eggs! So cute, especially the one with the duck. :)

    And I must say -- Milo is gorgeous, wow. Look at that face!

    My Easter was fun as always. My entire family gets together. With cousins and all, it's about 30 people so it's a bunch of us. We hide eggs for the kids, cook out and just hang out. Fun times. :) My birthday was the day after Easter this year, so I'd like to think that the Easter get-together was partly for me! hehe :)

    Glad you had a great time! And btw, that cake looks yummmmmy.

  8. Clement on April 12, 2010 at 6:40 PM

    I love the snow! I don't ski though; I snowboard and I usually don't get to go except a few times a year in the winter, but they're always fun. You'll like it once you get used to it. Believe me. :)

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