Thursday, March 4, 2010
2010 Olympics
After 18 days of Olympic games, I have decided that this year's Olympics are like books: you shouldn't judge it by its cover.
"Regina, you are on drugs."
I have a valid reason! See, the opening and closing ceremonies are like the cover, and I think we can all agree that they weren't the greatest. Just like if you were to go to a bookstore to get a book, you would be put off by something that had a cover that looked like this:
However, you'd be more likely to read something that looked like this (not considering the fact that these are in fact two great novels, content-wise):
Having said that, you'd also be more likely to read something by an author you like, or on a subject you like. And that's where the comparison comes in. The Olympics have an incredibly long history and is usually applauded throughout the world. It bring out a great energy in people; it brings out the best in the athletes; it is a way of connecting entire countries, and it's also entertaining to watch! I think that this is the first time that I've been interested in the winter olympics, and I thought the games themselves were great.
However, the opening and closing ceremonies bothered me. I won't get into the details, but I will mention that the closing ceremonies involved plastic blown-up moose prancing in the sky and bands like Nickelback and Simple Plan.
In all, I don't think the "covers" of the olympics were a good representation of the games themselves. All things considered, this olympics will still be very memorable to all Canadians... as well as the Americans in particular. We're sorry we won!
I think the only part I really liked of the ceremonies is when each country's team walks in, and that's at every Olympic opening ceremony, so... :P
And let's be honest they should get a different cover for that first book cause it looks inappropriate.
word verification: consless
(as in the 2010 winter olympic games had no cons)
The closing ceremonies left me petrified to ever again venture to Canada in case I get mauled by a giant beaver :P
Congrats to Canada though. Clem and Ling have been raving all about it. LOL
The Olympics are like big expensive charity dinners to me; flashy yet a way for big wigs to show that they care about the little people. (Please note that I was happy about Canada's performance, I just happen to feel that events such as these have lost their true meaning and have been turned into political devices used by governments in a world wide popularity contest. )